Assessment tasks are designed to enable students to demonstrate the Learning and Employability outcomes for the relevant level of study. Level Learning Outcomes are embedded in the assessment task(s) at that level. This enables a more integrated view of overall student performance at each level.
This module provides students with a flexible range of opportunities to enhance their professional skills and graduate opportunities. The module can be tailored to each individual student’s development as they apply theoretical understanding to a chosen context. This could include a work-based project within their professional setting or a skill-development approach in which the student identifies and addresses specific gaps in their portfolio of graduate-level skills.
Tutorials across semester 1 and 2
Hours: 14
Intended Group Size: Cohort
Workplace Learning
Hours: 40(minimum)
Intended Group Size: 1
Hours: 6 x 30 minutes per student(minimum)
Intended Group Size: 1
Guided independent study
Hours: 93
Further details relating to assessment
Assessment 1 requires students to decide on and propose their chosen project, which in essence will become their plan to submit for approval. This will include an outline, decisions on approaches taken, consideration of reflective approaches that will aid in the project, the context from relevant literature or sector best practice, challenges and solutions as well reference to students’ own skills development.
Assessment 2 – workplace/project hours to be pass / fail; where the skills pathway is chosen, students would be expected to complete and evidence the training and associated outputs. If students receive a fail in this component and a pass in the numeric calculated mark, they outcome will be 39FR (fail on requirements).
Assessment 3 requires students to write a reflective commentary based on their experience of the project, with particular focus on how it developed.
001 Negotiated assessment; 500 words; end of semester 1 20%
002 Workplace learning; 40 hours min; pass/fail; end of semester 2 %
003 Portfolio; 2,500 words; end of semester 2 80%
Module Coordinator - Joanna Adhikari
Level - 6
Credit Value - 15
Pre-Requisites - NONE
Semester(s) Offered - 6YL