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PTC5072 - The European Union


On successful completion of the module, students will be able to:
Understand issues relating to international relations and to differentiate between the official political aims of the European Union and its practical outcomes.
Deal with and understand EU publications and documentation, developing practical knowledge in finding and analysing such material.
Demonstrate specific knowledge about structures, problems and conflicts in the EU.
Identify and discuss different ideological positions in the context of European politics.
Demonstrate an ability to present appropriately-evidenced analysis and argument with a sense of clarity and purpose, in both written and presentational formats.


The study of the politics and institutions of the EU will expand beyond the structures and principles, which determine their character and meaning. The study of the EU shall also focus on the differentiation between official policies, directives and ideologies usually directed towards the composition of a homogeneous polity and the citizens' popular attitudes towards EU policymaking, expansion and integration. The module will focus on the politics of unity and division; mobility and immobility; by providing a historical overview of the idea of the EU and its institutions.

Learning and Teaching Information:

The module will be structured around lectures on the history and changing nature of EU politics and institutions, followed by seminars where students will engage in debates aspects of the EU and their wider political framework that surrounds them.

Hours: 10
Intended Group Size: 50

Hours: 18
Intended Group Size: 50

Guided independent study
Hours: 172

Further details relating to assessment
Assessment 1 - essay: The essay will consist of the critical analysis of EU institutions and of the political-ideological framework surrounding these institutions. Full guidance and support will be provided in lectures, seminars and on Moodle for the completion of the essay.
Assessment 2 - group presentation: Groups of three-four students will identify a specific topic concerning a specific EU institution for critical analysis. Students will receive guidance regarding the selection and presentation of the topic.


Fact File

Module Coordinator - Kostas Maronitis
Level - 5
Credit Value - 20
Pre-Requisites - NONE
Semester(s) Offered -