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MFC4103 - TV Studio Production


Assessment tasks are designed to enable students to demonstrate the Learning and Employability outcomes for the relevant level of study. Level Learning Outcomes are embedded in the assessment task(s) at that level. This enables a more integrated view of overall student performance at each level.


This module will introduce students to the essential skills of the television studio and entry level television production roles. It will be taught through a series of lectures and interactive workshops, covering various aspects of each entry level role job, including key roles in the studio environment, on location and in the production office. Relevant presentations and programme clips will be used to engage and inform the students and regular exercises (group and individual) will be given, so they can individually demonstrate a clear understanding of each aspect of the jobs. A series of workshop sessions will prepare students for detailed assessments, intended to demonstrate the students’ ability to research a programme idea and present it as a “pitch” to a Producer, and to create a basic TV studio programme.

Learning and Teaching Information:

Hours: 50
Intended Group Size: Cohort

Guided independent study
Hours: 250

Further details relating to assessment
Assessment 1: Studio-Based TV Show - Students must demonstrate the ability to successfully research ideas for a new studio-based TV show and to create a short filmed programme.

Assessment 2: Pitch - Students must demonstrate the ability to successfully research ideas for a new TV show and to write an appealing pitch for a TV producer.

Assessment 3: Integrated Assessment – PLA.


001 Studio based TV show; 5 mins; group peer assessed; end of semester 1 40%
002 Written report - TV pitch; 1,500 word pitch for a new TV show (individual); end of semester 2 40%
003 Integrated assessment; end of semester 2 20%
200 Studio-based TV show; 5 minutes 60%
201 Critical evaluation; 1,500 words 40%

Fact File

Module Coordinator - Richard Greatrex
Level - 4
Credit Value - 30
Pre-Requisites - NONE
Semester(s) Offered - 4YL