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ACL7013 - Transformational Leadership: Inspiring Lasting Change


This module will address the following programme level outcomes:
K3 originality in the application of knowledge, together with a practical understanding of how established techniques of research and enquiry are used to promote rehabilitation and build effective transformative relationships;
K5 a comprehensive knowledge of the Criminal Justice System (CJS) and an understanding of how to lead positive change successfully within the workplace in order to meet stakeholder needs;
I1 a conceptual understanding that enables critical evaluation of current research and advanced scholarship within the field of Criminal Justice;
I2 an ability to make informed choices in relation to ethical behaviour, social responsibility and leadership practice as they apply to working within the CJS;
I4 effective cognitive, problem-solving and decision-making abilities using appropriate leadership skills across a range of situations;
E1 Self-management – the ability to plan and manage time; readiness to accept responsibility and improve their own performance based on feedback/reflective learning; the ability to take initiative and be proactive, flexible and resilient;
E2 Team-working – the ability to co-operate with others on a shared task and to recognise and take on appropriate team roles; leading, contributing to discussions and negotiating; contributing to discussions; awareness of interdependence with others;
E3 Business and sector awareness – an understanding of the key drivers for business success, including the importance of customer/client satisfaction and innovation; understanding of the market/sector in which an organisation operates; the ability to recognise the external context and pressures on an organisation, including concepts such as value for money, profitability and sustainability;
E4 Problem-solving – a capacity for critical reasoning, analysis and synthesis; a capacity for applying knowledge in practice; an ability to retrieve, analyse and evaluate information from different sources;
E5 Communication – the ability to present information clearly and appropriately, both orally and in writing, and to tailor messages to specific audiences and purposes;
E7 Application of information technology – the ability to identify and use the appropriate IT package for a given task; familiarity with word-processing, spreadsheets and file management; the ability to use the internet and email effectively.


On completion of this module, participants will be able to critically evaluate the theoretical approaches to studying leadership across different contexts, and be able to reflect on their own personal approaches, styles, strengths and weaknesses that they bring to the leadership process.

Participants will be asked to reflect on where change is needed in their organization and select and apply a range of strategies and methods for managing change successfully. Participants will be encouraged throughout the module to develop their critical thinking skills, to develop confidence in engaging with relevant literature and to reflect on its application to the role of a prison officer.

Specifcally, the module will cover the following core topics:
- Defining leadership in the context of the CJS
- Transformational leadership styles, theories and approaches
- Motivation theories and their application to leadership
- Ethics in leadership
- Power, influence and conflict
- Leading teams/people through change - managing resistence to change and conflict
- Managing challenging behaviour
- Personal leadership development

Learning and Teaching Information:

Returners Week Seminar
Hours: 2
Intended Group Size: Whole cohort

Supported Online Learning
Hours: 20
Intended Group Size: 1

Regional Teaching Days
Hours: 15
Intended Group Size: Approximately 40 participants – delivered at 3 regional venues (Manchester, Birmingham and London)

Guided independent study
Hours: 263

Further details relating to assessment
Summative Assessment
Group Presentation (80%): For this assessment, participants will be allocated to a group (between 3-6 participants) working in the same prison. As a group, they will be required to produce a 20 minute recorded presentation which identifies an area where change is needed in their prison and select and apply a range of strategies and methods for managing positive change successfully. In particular, they will be required to critically review and evaluate relevant leadership knowledge drawing on recent research literature and design a presentation which is well structured, coherent and draws an evidenced based conclusion. A single group mark will be given, but there will be mechanisms in place to report disengagement from individual group members and this will be dealt with by the tutors on a case by case basis.

Individual Reflective Statement (20%): This assessment requires participants to produce a 1000-word individual personal development plan which:

- Critically reflects on and evaluates their current leadership style, attributes, and skills
- Identifies their personal leadership vision and effectively plans objectives for achieving this


001 Group Presentation; 20 min; end semester 1 80%
002 Individual reflective statement; 1,000 word; end of semester 1 20%
200 Alternative Form of Assessment; end of semester 1 100%

Fact File

Module Coordinator - Claire Vilarrubi
Level - 7
Credit Value - 30
Pre-Requisites - NONE
Semester(s) Offered - 7PGS1