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XGBSHN4142 - Research Methods 1



Learning and Teaching Information:

Students will participate in a weekly 1-hour lecture, supported by a weekly 2-hour seminar session. Additional supporting materials and activities will be available on Moodle. In accordance with Leeds Trinity's Learning, Teaching and Assessment Strategy and to encourage attendance and engagement, students will take part in weekly self-directed activities.

Hours: 10
Intended Group size: <200

Hours: 20
Intended Group size: <30

Guided Independent study
Hours: 170

Further details relating to assessment
Essay: students are tasked to complete a literature informed essay regarding a topic to provide the basis for the report (component 2). The essay must refer to ethical consideration of research.

Report: students are required to write a project report based on data collection undertaken in the seminars. Student will decide on a quantitative or qualitative project and apply the appropriate methods to collect and analyse the data.

Formative assessment will take place during the course of the module.


Fact File

Module Coordinator - TBC
Level - 4
Credit Value - 20
Pre-Requisites - NONE
Semester(s) Offered - 4S24S2J