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XGBSHN3023 - Introduction to Effective Caring


On successful completion of the module, students will be able to:
Outline the factors required for individuals to have a high quality of life.
Describe key caring techniques.
Outline the constraints to positive caring.
Recognise the importance of safeguarding and person centred care when working with vulnerable clients.
Identify the ways that effective communication skills can improve care.


Students will explore life quality factors such as ability to have choices, freedoms, stimulation, privacy, dignity, social interaction and support, privacy, effective communication, appropriate forms of physical contact, confidentiality, physical and psychological security. Caring techniques including observation, establishment of trusting relationships, positivity, modelling, distraction and appropriate use of praise will be examined. The principles of safeguarding for vulnerable clients will be explored. Person-centred care will be considered in relation to caring techniques, barriers and enablers of effective care. Barriers to effective caring will be explored as will the ways that verbal and non-verbal communication can be used in care situations.

Learning and Teaching Information:

The module will consist of a series of interactive lectures, workshops and practicals. In the lectures and workshops the key topics will be explored. Basic theories will be introduced. Students will apply the knowledge gained in the lectures and workshops to care scenarios. The module will incorporate a range of interactive modes ranging from debates, to guided independent work, to paired and group work. Learning will also take place online where students can access a range of resources on the VLE including using multiple choice activities to evaluate their own level of understanding. Students are expected to conduct around 240 hours of independent study in reading, preparation for taught delivery and preparing assessment for submission.

Lectures/workshops /practicals
Hours: 60
Intended Group Size: Cohort

Guided independent study
Hours: 240

Further details relating to assessment
This assessment will be in the form of a written report where students will document factors relating to a good quality of life, key caring techniques and barriers to positive caring.

Group presentation:
The group presentation will focus upon how effective communication can produce effective caring, and the role of safeguarding and person-centred care in effective caring.


Fact File

Module Coordinator - TBC
Level - 0
Credit Value - 30
Pre-Requisites - NONE
Semester(s) Offered - 0YL0YLJ