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XGBSHN3013 - Being Healthy in a Modern World


On successful completion of the module, students will be able to:
define health, explain the importance of health in society, and identify the basic factors that influence health and health behaviour.
demonstrate a basic understanding of a range of different measures of health and their relative strengths and weaknesses
outline a basic history of health and health care development, identifying significant moments that have shaped health and care today
describe a range of challenges to attaining and improving health in the modern world, for differing population groups.
propose a range of realistic solutions in response to contemporary health and care challenges for specific population groups


This module will begin by exploring ‘what is health?’ It will explore the benefits of a healthy population at an individual and societal level. A range of measures for health will be examined in relation to their use. The key innovations over time in health and health care will be explored in relation to their impact on contemporary health and care provision. A contemporary focus on modern health issues, such as sleep, nutrition, alcohol, physical activity (SNAP) and mental health, and will consider the causes, effects and impacts of these for diverse populations. Examples are drawn on from the UK and abroad and students are encouraged to explore health issues affecting different countries.

Learning and Teaching Information:

A variety of learning and teaching methods will be used, including formal lectures to introduce core and fundamental theories and concepts. These will be supplemented with small group workshops and seminars whereby the tutor will facilitate a contextualised learning experience so that content is applied to specific programmes. Learning activities will include interactive problem-based group-work, peer learning and feedback and online activities.

Contact Hours: 20
Intended Group Size Cohort

Workshops,Seminars and Practicals
Contact Hours: 40
Intended Group Size 20

Guided independent study
Hours: 240

Further details relating to assessment
The practical workbook will be completed through weekly tasks, which will enable students to show their understanding of the core concepts of health and the factors influencing health.

The group work storyboard will be a student led visual representation, developed in small groups, showing understanding of the history of health and health care development. The exact format for the storyboard will be negotiated by the student and may include video, poster/display based storyboard, leaflet, poster or interactive presentation.

The final essay will be based around an analysis of factors challenging health, and identification of appropriate and realistic solutions for a given population group. The population group will be tutor determined and, to ensure engagement with the range of population groups across the module, will not be distributed until mid-way through semester 2.


Fact File

Module Coordinator - TBC
Level - 0
Credit Value - 30
Pre-Requisites - NONE
Semester(s) Offered - 0YL0YLJ