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VIC7093 - Professional Development and Placement


On successful completion of the module, students will be able to:
Demonstrate a professional knowledge of institutions or markets relevant to Victorian studies;
Design and undertake a project within a professional context to develop appropriate and relevant professional skills;
Evaluate critically the connections between academic scholarship, personal learning, and market requirements;
Report clearly and accurately on the outcomes of the project and personal development.


For this module, you will pursue a specific project, which will require you to undertake research and reading in order to develop expertise in a specific area of Victorian Studies, and to employ this knowledge and understanding in a professional context. The project and the research will be determined in negotiation with the module co-ordinator/supervising tutor and your employer.

For some students, this context may be their regular place of work. The project might be: designing teaching materials and sessions for use in a school/college; producing an annotated catalogue of Victorian books for a library; researching and designing an exhibition for a museum; researching, designing, and running a heritage walk for a heritage institution; designing and launching a blog or website; or any similar project which results in a concrete product and the development of both project-specific and transferable work skills.

Learning and Teaching Information:

Students will be expected and required to work independently under the guidance of their employer and the module co-ordinator (or his/her nominee among the academic staff).

Up to four hours of supervisory support will be provided. The student and tutor will decide whether this will take the form of tutorials, in person, by telephone or by email; reading and feedback on a draft of the reflective report; a visit to the student at the organisation in which s/he is based; and/or other forms of agreed support.

Contact Hours: 4
Intended Group Size: 1

Workplace project
Hours: 196
Intended Group Size: 1

Guided independent study
Hours: 100

Further details relating to assessment
The student will be provided with guidelines for the contents of the reflective report.

Other relevant matters
Each student will be assigned a tutor from the Victorian Studies staff whose interests and expertise make him/her suitable for the specific project on which the student will work. The supervising tutor may not necessarily be the module co-ordinator.


001 Agreed project; end of year 50%
002 Reflective report; 2,000 words; end of year 30%
003 LCVS blog post; 1,000 words; end of year 20%

Fact File

Module Coordinator - Professor Jane De Gay
Level - 7
Credit Value - 30
Pre-Requisites - NONE
Semester(s) Offered - 7PGYL