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VIC7005 - Negotiated Study


On successful completion of the module, students will be able to:
Negotiate a field of study, work or process and appropriate forms of assessment to be approved by tutors;
Demonstrate in-depth knowledge and understanding of their chosen topic;
Produce work for assessment which reflects engagement with relevant literature, current practice, ethical issues and broader subject context;
Demonstrate the academic, technical and professional skills necessary to successfully produce work agreed for the assessment.


The Negotiated Study module introduces interdisciplinary study at Masters Level. Through case studies provided by tutors, students engage with the notion of interdisciplinarity, appropriate methodologies and research practices, and forms of presentation. Students then negotiate with tutors to develop, carry out, and report on a small-scale interdisciplinary project.

Learning and Teaching Information:

This module is mainly supported through group seminars to analyse case studies in order to identify key concepts and methods. Individual tutorials are then used to negotiate the small-scale projects. These are delivered in a small-group context.

Hours: 6
Intended Group Size: Cohort

Hours: 4
Intended Group Size: 1

Guided Independent Study
Hours: 140

Further details relating to assessment
The term 'Presentation' is to be taken broadly (it could mean a stand-up 'show and tell', but could also include video/audio/graphic presentations).

The specific content and presentation format and the marking criteria by which it will be judged will be negotiated with and agreed by the tutor.


Fact File

Module Coordinator - Professor Jane De Gay
Level - 7
Credit Value - 15
Pre-Requisites - NONE
Semester(s) Offered -