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SOC6062 - Policing and Sexual Offending


On successful completion of the module, students will be able to:
Critically assess differing definitions of sexual exploitation
Critically assess the difficulties that police officers can face in identifying and detecting sexual exploitation
Critique the strategies that police forces employ to tackle sexual exploitation
Evaluate the worth of a range of support services that the police draw upon to support the victims of sexual exploitation


This module offers students an opportunity to explore a particularly sensitive aspect of policing. The social problem of sexual exploitation will be critically assessed. The range of criminal offences that sexual exploiters commit will be investigated. The extent of the problem nationally and globally will be analysed. The challenges that police forces experience in detecting, recording and gaining convictions for criminal acts that involve sexual exploitation will also be reviewed. Globalisation of travel, financial transactions and communication through technological change are important issues that need to be drawn upon to contextualise these challenges. So-called honour-based killing, female genital mutilation, sexually related cyber-crime and the difficulties of pursuing cases through Criminal Justice Systems will also be explored. Multi-agency services that are provided to the victims of sexual exploitation will also be evaluated.

Learning and Teaching Information:

Learning and teaching methods will be structured around interactive seminars and lectures which involve student-led activities. Students will engage in activities such as directed reading, classroom debates and student-led presentations. These will be utilized to offer ongoing feedback and encourage critical independent learning. Guest lectures by practitioners in the field will also be encouraged.

Hours: 32
Independent Group Size: 30

Guided independent study
Hours: 168

Further details relating to assessment
Students will write a critical portfolio exploring definitions of sexual exploitation, patterns of criminality and the challenges of policing such behaviours.


001 Portfolio 3500 words End of Semester 2 100%

Fact File

Module Coordinator - Robert Hornsby
Level - 6
Credit Value - 20
Pre-Requisites - NONE
Semester(s) Offered - 6S1