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SOC6012 - Professional Learning Through Work


On successful completion of the module, students will be able to:
Enhance their personal effective working relationships and networks as part of the team working for the organisation concerned
Work with an organisation to identify and complete a suitable project and/or identify and address graduate skill-development needs
Demonstrate an ability to analyse critically, synthesise and evaluate data/information and research, constructing an informed argument and presenting their findings appropriately
Negotiate an appropriate format of assessment to meet the expectations of Level 6 study including a demonstration of independence of study and argument.


This module provides students with a flexible range of opportunities to enhance their professional skills and graduate opportunities. The module can be tailored to each individual student’s development as they apply theoretical understanding to a chosen context. This could include a work-based project within their professional setting or a skill-development approach in which the student identifies and addresses specific gaps in their portfolio of graduate-level skills.

Learning and Teaching Information:

For this negotiated, self-managed module, students will receive initial tutorial support to establish their individual learning aims and appropriate assessment methods. They will engage in online support and students will be expected to schedule tutorials either face to face, online or by telephone to ensure progression and the academic rigour of the project or development being undertaken.

Tutorial suport
Hours: 6
Intended Group Size: 1

Workplace Learning
Hours: 60 (minimum)
Intended Group Size: 1

Guided independent study
Hours: 134

Other relevant matters
1. A minimum of at least 60 hours must be spent in the workplace with an additional 130 hours (minimum) independent study time within or without the workplace.

2. The details of the assessment will depend on the individual student’s identified development needs and the project-work or skill-development approach agreed with the organisation and academic tutor. The content and target audience for the oral presentation will similarly be adapted accordingly.


001 Negotiated assessment; 2,000 word equivalent; end of semester 2 50%
002 Oral presentation; 10 mins; end of semester 2 50%

Fact File

Module Coordinator - Robert Thornton-Lee
Level - 6
Credit Value - 20
Pre-Requisites - NONE
Semester(s) Offered -