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SOC3003 - Foundations in Sociology and Criminology


On successful completion of the module, students will be able to:
Outline key trends related to social inequalities.
Describe some of the key concepts and theories sociologists employ in their investigations.
Document patterns of criminal offending according to official statistics and self-report studies.
Explain basic concepts and theories that criminologists draw upon as they analyse social life.
Outline several responses that policy-makers have implemented to address patterns of criminal offending and wider social inequalities.


This module focuses upon social inequalities and patterns of crime. These issues are investigated by drawing upon the work of sociologists and criminologists. Concepts such as socialisation, norms and values, social control, status, inequality, crime, deviance, victimisation, retribution and retribution will be explored. Crime statistics, self-report studies and non-crime related social trends will be examined. Introductory level theories will be examined to make sense of each of these. Policy-makers' attempts to address important social problems, including criminality, will also be reviewed.

Learning and Teaching Information:

The module will utilise student-centred learning. Students will be encouraged to apply sociological theories to social problems that they wish to focus upon. Debates and critical reflection will be employed to stimulate student interest. Students will work in groups to develop their understanding of trends and academic theories. Students will undertake problem-solving learning and be involved in formative peer assessment of each other work. Students will also be encouraged to take part in on-line discussion groups. On-line quizzes and resources will be drawn upon to support students' learning. All learning will be supportive to foster increased self-confidence.

Contact Hours: 60
Intended Group Size: Cohort/30

Guided independent study
Hours: 240

Further details relating to assessment
The group presentation will focus on a selected number of social trends and some of the ways that sociologists explain these.

The essay will describe one area of criminality and the strategies that have been employed to reduce offending in this area.


001 Presentation; 20mins; end of semester 1 %
002 Essay; 2,000 words; end of semester 2 %

Fact File

Module Coordinator - David Stockbridge
Level - 0
Credit Value - 30
Pre-Requisites - NONE
Semester(s) Offered - 3YL