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SHN7073 - Workplace Wellbeing


On successful completion of the module, students will be able to:
Demonstrate knowledge and critical understanding of the workplace wellbeing agenda and its external drivers including policy and legislation.
Produce a business case of workplace wellbeing interventions and their function within a range of complex business problems.
Demonstrate critical analysis of the key operational decisions within delivery of workplace wellbeing.
Critically appraise the evidence base for workplace wellbeing interventions and make judgements on their cost/benefit to workforce health and wellbeing.
Incorporate project management skills and elements of self-evaluation in planning sustainable workplace wellbeing.


The module will examine workplace wellbeing and its effect upon national issues such as disability and unemployment, sickness/absence, long-term conditions, NHS spending and their associated tax-burden. Students will consider within their own workplace the application of strategic arguments into action and interventions in the business environment and will review and develop project management skills for planning and leading complex projects. Key issues relating to workplace wellbeing will be considered including ethical considerations, trends and patterns, health needs assessment, policy agenda, health communication theories, planning and evaluation methods. The influence of Public Health and its impact on local government and private sector approaches to workplace wellbeing will be explored through a range of case studies.

Learning and Teaching Information:

This module is delivered online. The core module content will be delivered using asynchronous online tasks and activities. Student learning will be supported through completion of interactive forums and web- based individual and group tutorials.Formative feedback will be provided in forums and tutorials at timepoints which align with module delivery. Summative assessment will be completed at the mid- point and at the end of the module, with feedback provided for this work.

Online Asynchronous Content
Hours: 52 hours (5 hours per week x 10 weeks) Intended Group Size: Cohort

Web-based Group Tutorials
Hours: 3
Intended Group Size: Cohort

Web-based Individual Tutorials
Hours: 2
Intended Group Size: 1

Guided independent study
Hours: 243

Further details relating to assessment
Component 1, Business Case: Students will identify a work-related health and wellbeing issue and produce a business case which supports the implementation of a health/wellbeing intervention. The business case will follow a clear planning process using a logic model approach, it will consider the evidence base for the intervention and its cost/benefits on workforce health and wellbeing, resource implications both financial and manpower will be addressed and robust methods of evaluating the impact of the intervention will be identified.

Component 2, Action Plan: Students will produce a detailed action plan for the roll out of the health/wellbeing intervention, which demonstrates key project management skills. Each stage of the project management cycle will be considered and strategies for their management proposed.

Students will be supported with the assessments in two individual 30-minute tutorials, one mid-semester and one end-of-semester.


001 Business case; 3,000 words; mid semester 1 50%
002 Action plan; 3,000 words; end of semester 1 50%

Fact File

Module Coordinator - Marco Bardus
Level - 7
Credit Value - 30
Pre-Requisites - NONE
Semester(s) Offered - 7PGS2