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SHN7053 - Weight Management: Social and Behavioural Aspects


On successful completion of the module, students will be able to:
Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of social and psychological factors affecting food choice, exercise and weight control across the lifespan.
Interpret a relationship between emotional state, eating patterns and exercise behaviour.
Demonstrate a critical understanding of the complexity of multiple influences on exercise and eating behaviour and how these relate to weight management.
Apply a combination of knowledge, theories and principles of weight management to:
i) Identify a range of valid solutions,
ii) Reflect on the role of individual differences in predicting the effectiveness of practice and outcome.


Due to the broad nature of the subject content, students will have the opportunity to focus on specific areas from: the obesogenic environment and food choices; consideration of the changing work and social environment on weight management; the role of cultural, social and psychological factors across the lifespan; weight stigma; the impact of marketing on individual food choices; the influence of parental feeding styles on children’s eating behaviour; individual differences in interpretations of hunger, satiation and satiety; emotional influences on eating behaviour; disordered eating behaviour and factors that affect successful weight management including the role of individual differences.

Learning and Teaching Information:

This module is delivered online. The core module content will be delivered using asynchronous online tasks and activities. Student learning will be supported through completion of interactive forums and web- based individual and group tutorials.Formative feedback will be provided in forums and tutorials at timepoints which align with module delivery. Summative assessment will be completed at the mid- point and at the end of the module, with feedback provided for this work.

Online Asynchronous Content
Hours: 52 hours (5 hours per week x 10 weeks)
Intended Group Size: Cohort

Web- based Group Tutorials
Hours: 3
Intended Group Size: Cohort

Web- based Individual Tutorials
Hours: 2
Intended Group Size: 1

Guided independent study
Hours: 243

Further details relating to assessment
Component 1, Presentation: You will be required to produce a presentation to pitch your idea for the research or funding grant proposal which is component 2 of this module. You will be asked to set up the problem which you want to address, identify relevant research and propose your research question ideas.

Component 2, Research or funding grant proposal: You will be asked to write a research funding or practical project grant proposal. The topic area for the proposal must be related to the module content (i.e. weight management) but will be decided upon by the student after negotiation with the module tutor.

Students will be supported with the assessments in two 30-minute individual tutorials, one mid-semester and one end-of-semester.


001 Presentation; 10 minutes; mid semester 1 30%
002 Research; 4,000 words; end of semester 1 70%

Fact File

Module Coordinator - PRS_CODE=
Level - 7
Credit Value - 30
Pre-Requisites - NONE
Semester(s) Offered - 7PGS1