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SHN6382 - Clinical Movement Screening and Correction


On successful completion of the module, students will be able to:
Evaluate the role of movement patterns on the development of sport injury and the corrective practices used to alter these
Analyse, interpret and present data collected to evaluate a client's movement patterns
Develop suitable corrective interventions based on identified movement patterns that may place the client at increased risk of injury
Apply suitable ethical considerations and good practices when working with clients and other practitioners


This module will take an evidence-based route throughout which requires students to demonstrate clinical reasoning and justification. The nature of this module and the student led enquiry required will involve students conducting evaluations on a client and consequently adhering to safe, effective and ethical practice throughout.

This module will explore and evaluate the role of movement patterns on the development and risk of sport injury. The module will explore the approaches available to identify movement patterns (which may include force plate, motion capture and pressure plates) and consequently utilise such approaches to identify an individual's movement pattern. Following identification of movement patterns, corrective interventions based on clinical reasoning, will be explored.

Learning and Teaching Information:

The module will take a student led inquiry approach throughout in order to develop professional practice skills and clinical reasoning. The module will consist of lectures where the key theoretical underpinning is established followed by workshops in which students (1) engage with published literature to provide evidence-based clinical decisions to identifying and correcting movement patterns and (2) practically evaluate movement patterns and propose corrective interventions.

Hours: 5
Intended Group Size: 40

Hours: 30
Intended Group Size: 20

Guided independent study
Hours: 165

Further details relating to assessment
*N.B. BASRaT Accreditation stipulates that all practical components of the programme must be passed.

Practical: Conduct functional movement screening and provide written recommendations to the client based on the functional movement screen. In order to obtain a pass in the practical safe and effective practice must be observed, details on this are outlined in the BSc (Hons) Sports Therapy and Rehabilitation NP3.

Oral presentation: Present the approaches taken to evaluate a client, the results of the evaluation and suggested corrective interventions (conducted in pairs). Group presentations are identified for component two because (1) it is important that sports therapists and rehabilitators can work as part of a team (2) the workload and depth of content is limited with a 10 minute presentation. This will also consist of a question and answer section. Groups will be formed of 3 - 4 people.

Formative Assessment: This will be integrated into practical sessions using a combination of questioning techniques and peer assessment of pertinent topics.


001 Practical; 2,000 word equiv; mid semester 2 50%
002 Practical presentation; 10 min; end semester 2 50%

Fact File

Module Coordinator - Kirstie Grace
Level - 6
Credit Value - 20
Pre-Requisites - NONE
Semester(s) Offered - 6S2