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SHN6292 - Applied Sport Psychology


On successful completion of the module, students will be able to:

Critically appraise the psychological factors affecting participation and performance in competitive sport.
Appraise the needs of a specified athlete/athletes, providing links to corresponding psychological theory.
Critique different frameworks for applied practice within sport psychology.
Evaluate the effectiveness of applied practice via the process of self-reflection.
Construct a case study documenting applied work conducted with a specified athlete/athletes.


This module will allow students to apply their knowledge of sport psychology literature and to consider the differing approaches to practice utilised by sport psychology practitioners. Students are also given the opportunity to consider moral and ethical issues in the practice of sport psychology, to encourage personal development and wider professional understanding.

Learning and Teaching Information:

Lectures are interactive sessions throughout the module. Regular role play is used and time is taken to support students in undertaking a case study.

Interest groups provide an efficient way of enabling students to explore their proposed intervention techniques and share good practice. Groups are chaired by students and students are expected to prepare material relating to their approach to the case study in advance.

Online support is offered by forums for discussions and finding appropriate clients plus useful assessments and reading material.

Contact hours: 24
Intended Group size: 20

Student Interest Groups
Contact hours: 16
Intended group size: 20

Independent Study
Hours: 160

Further details relating to assessment
Students are to complete a 4,000-word case study documenting a period of time (conducted within the semester the module sits, and not exceeding the independent study hours for the module) through which they provide a sport psychology service to an individual client. The students will be expected to draw on professional practice literature in preparing their approach and evaluating their practice. Students will be expected to submit field notes in support of the assessment which evidence the applied work.

The Student Interest groups and formative assessment tasks will be integrated throughout the module to help monitor and support individual student progress in relation to their end of module case study assessment.


001 Case study 4000 words end of semester 2 100%

Fact File

Module Coordinator - Jon Radcliffe
Level - 6
Credit Value - 20
Pre-Requisites - NONE
Semester(s) Offered - 6YL