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SHN6213 - Applied Psychology: Practical Solutions


Assessment tasks are designed to enable students to demonstrate the Learning and Employability outcomes for the relevant level of study. Level Learning Outcomes are embedded in the assessment task(s) at that level. This enables a more integrated view of overall student performance at each level.


This module will allow you to apply your knowledge of sport psychology literature and to consider the differing approaches to sport psychology. In addition to covering core theoretical principles, this module will introduce applied work in sport and exercise psychology with a considerable focus on ethical and moral best practice, interpersonal consultancy skills, case formulation, progress monitoring, and reflective practice. Philosophies and frameworks of practice will be introduced, centred on cognitive behavioural and humanistic approaches to practice. Students will undertake a period of applied consultancy. This may focus on, but is not limited to, improving performance (or training methods) via the use of sport psychology or changing exercise behaviours. Applied case study objectives are delimited by the professional role boundaries as stipulated by BASES.

Learning and Teaching Information:

Hours: 30
Intended Group Size: 25

Student-led interest groups
Hours: 20
Intended Group Size: 25

Guided independent study
Hours: 250

Further details relating to assessment
Case study: Students are to complete a 6,000-word case study documenting a period of time (conducted within the semester the module sits, and not exceeding the independent study hours for the module) through which they provide a sport and/or exercise psychology service to an individual client. The students will be expected to draw on professional practice literature in preparing their approach and evaluating their practice. Students will be expected to submit field notes in support of the assessment which evidence the applied work. The completion of the case study will be scaffolded though module to emphasis the staged completion of the case study.

Formative presentation: In addition to discussion in the seminars, students will have the opportunity to receive feedback on their approach to the case study via a formative presentation at the mid-point of the module.


Fact File

Module Coordinator - PRS_CODE=
Level - 6
Credit Value - 30
Pre-Requisites - NONE
Semester(s) Offered -