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SHN6033 - Independent Project


Assessment tasks are designed to enable students to demonstrate the Learning and Employability outcomes for the relevant level of study. Level Learning Outcomes are embedded in the assessment task(s) at that level. This enables a more integrated view of overall student performance at each level.


The aim of this module is to provide you with an opportunity to showcase your integrated learning via an independent project relevant to your programme of study and personal and professional interests. Counselling on format and focus of the project will be available at Level 5 and 6. As such, it will allow a degree of negotiation of both output and focus. There will be core content delivered to support all students as well as formative assessment points to act as ‘stepping stones’ to achieve successful completion. These will be supplemented by tutorial ‘wrap-around’ support. The module will culminate in an assessment event where you will present work in a negotiated format.

Learning and Teaching Information:

Hours: 7
Intended Group Size: Up to 150

Hours: 5
Intended Group Size: 1

Guided independent study
Hours: 288

Further details relating to assessment
This module enables you to draw on the learning from across your programme to produce an independent project that is both of personal interest and that showcases your knowledge and skills to a potential employer or to help gain access to a PG programme of study or research.

The ethics and viability submission will form the first component of the project submission. This will provide for ethics approval for empirical studies and for the more product-based or business plan type projects, a viability check to ensure what is being proposed is achievable with the resources available. There will be a formative assessment opportunity early in the module (e.g., Week 3), this will be as a peer-assessed piece of work, where you will be able to identify key ethics and/or viability considerations for your project and have reviewed your draft ethics and viability proforma – this will help inform and shape the final ethics and viability submission (which will be appended to the final project submission). The ethics submission must be approved by the Department to allow empirical data to be collected.

The final project submission may be in one of a number of formats (each will have a set of specific marking criteria). For each format, there will be specific formative assessment points to enable you to gain formative feedback building to your final submission (Week 3 and mid-semester 1 as above, early Semester 2 and mid-Semester 2 – the precise nature of the formative assessment will vary according to the format of the project submission). For each format of submission, the role of research and investigation in informing the submission will be specified (e.g., via a short narrative piece to support the production of a resource or product).

The assessment event will be a one-day event (on campus or online) where you will ‘present’ your work in one of a number of designated formats (e.g., short presentation, poster or other display, resource or product). This event will be open to existing non-L6 students (to showcase what is expected at L6) and potentially ‘externals’ (such as employers). An online formative assessment opportunity will be provided towards the end of Semester 2.

You are referred to the Module Handbook for further details.


Fact File

Module Coordinator - PRS_CODE=
Level - 6
Credit Value - 30
Pre-Requisites - NONE
Semester(s) Offered -