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SHN4043 - Developing Values and Principles in Health and Social Care Practice


Assessment tasks are designed to enable students to demonstrate the Learning and Employability outcomes for the relevant level of study. Level Learning Outcomes are embedded in the assessment task(s) at that level. This enables a more integrated view of overall student performance at each level.


The module will cover core values and principles required for you to deliver safe, high quality and compassionate care to individuals, families and communities including accountability, duty of care, codes of conduct, safeguarding, ethical practice, social justice, personalised care and professional identity. You will examine the skills required for professional practice including reflective practice, effective communication, supporting equality and diversity, quality assurance, team and multi-agency working. The influence of policy and legal frameworks on social welfare and contemporary service delivery will be introduced. You will complete the knowledge competences of the fifteen Standards of the Care Certificate during the module, the skills competencies can be achieved on work placement during the Professional Development Block at the end of Semester 2 which forms part of this module. Both knowledge and skills competency achievement are required to gain the full Care Certificate award.

Learning and Teaching Information:

Hours: 25
Intended Group Size: Full Cohort

Hours: 25
Intended Group Size: Max 20

Professional Challenge Project or Work Placement
Hours: 20 (minimum)
Intended Group Size: Full Cohort

NB: If you wish to achieve the full Care Certificate Award, you will need to do a work placement in an adult health or social care setting for the skills competences to be assessed and passed by your workplace mentor.
Guided independent study
Hours: 230

Further details relating to assessment
Post session activities submitted through Moodle will facilitate ongoing formative assessment opportunities via lecturer or peer feedback, these may include responses to case studies, quizzes, forum posts or blogs and self-assessment. One draft opportunity will be provided for each assessment with feedback provided at least one week prior to summative submission.

Professional Development Portfolio: You will complete the knowledge competencies of the fifteen Standards of the Care Certificate and maintain your portfolio of evidence including certificates of achievement for each standard, completed workbooks and mapping documents. You will have the option to take your portfolio to a work placement during the Professional Development Block, where your workplace mentor can assess and sign off the skills competency elements of each standard (this will enable you to gain the full Care Certificate).

Case Study: You will select one member of the family from the extended case study and explain how the application of 3 principles and values of practice covered in the module will support the delivery of high quality, safe and compassionate care.

Professional Challenge Project or Placement: This module will culminate in a two-week Professional Challenge Project or a two-week work placement. Students will have the chance to opt which path they want to take during the course of the module. Guidance regarding the options will be included in the Module Handbook and supported by briefings at the beginning of Semester 2. A pass in the Professional Challenge Project will be achieved through participation in key tasks throughout the project. A pass in the work placement will be based on employer feedback. Please note that Enhanced DBS is required for placement.

Reflective Statement: During your Professional Challenge Project or Placement you will complete a reflective statement outlining your learning from the project/placement.

The assessments will allow you to demonstrate knowledge and understanding of values and principles of professional practice in the health and social care sector.

The following components must be passed in accordance with University regulations:

(1) Professional Development Portfolio – Knowledge Competencies
(2) Placement/Professional Challenge Project (003)

Details of, and rationale for, components that must be passed
(1) The Professional Development Portfolio requires students to complete the Knowledge Competencies of the 15 standards of the Care Certificate. The Care Certificate is a mandatory induction standard for all new health and social care workers in adult social care in England. Students will complete the online e-learning modules and workbooks for each standard and download their certificates of achievement. Mapping documents for each standard will then be signed off by the module leader.

(2) The Professional Challenge Project or Placement (003) – University requirement

NB: If students choose to do a placement as part of the Professional Development Block they can take their portfolio and have the opportunity to have the Skills Competencies assessed and signed off by their work placement mentor. Skills competencies achievement is not a required component of this module – however if students wish to gain the full Care Certificate Award they can do so on placement.


001 Portfolio; 3,000 words or equivalent; pass/fail; end of semester 2 0%
002 Case study; 1,500 words or equivalent; end of semester 2 85%
003 Project/placement; 20 hours min placement; pass/fail; end of semester 2 professional development block 0%
004 Reflective statement; 1,500 words; end of semester 2 professional development block 15%

Fact File

Module Coordinator - Abigail Lancaster
Level - 4
Credit Value - 30
Pre-Requisites - NONE
Semester(s) Offered - 4S2