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SED7143 - Investigating Professional Practice


On successful completion of the module, participants will be able to:
Systematically explain the place of Action Research as a method, within an epistemological framework for educational research;
Identify what Action Research is, and is not, and critique approaches to Action Research that fail to meet these criteria;
Critically analyse and compare a range of approaches to undertaking Action Research to contextualise using a method within a setting, and to generate a chosen approach for the design of an Action Research project;
Critically judge and assess the particular methodological, ethical and practical issues relating to the planned Action Research approach;
Produce a critically reflective report that evaluates a work-based policy/initiative for improving professional practice.


The module will cover content that will enable students to put together a 'simulated' proposal for undertaking a small scale pilot study, centred around one example of a research approach - action research. The choice of action research as a model for research method originates from the predominant approach of action research type cycles in educational research within educational settings. Professionally reflexive dimensions (captured within a typical action research cycle) are what many educators face in their respective settings. This module will therefore cover:

- Inquiring into alternative epistemologies of research and practice, and the consequent implications for undertaking action research projects as a methodological approach wheh undertaken from different epistemological standpoints;
- Exploring and explaining the questions of what constitutes "action" and "research", and the modes of inquiry most related to understanding action and practice;
- Exploring the history of action research as a form of democratic research and engaged social action;
- Investigating the reflexive dimensions of action research: pretextual, contextual, subtextual and intertextual analysis of the action research process;
- Interpreting and developing an understanding of the cultural and social geography of contemporary educational institutions, and the ways in which these can affect the types of action research that are undertaken;
- Developing an understanding of action research as an interpretative approach to understanding and action in educational contexts;
- Inquiring into the relationship between action research and the researcher's own professional identity;
- Exploring issues of agency, collaboration and community in conducting action research;
- Developing practical approaches to begin creating an action research project, and to produce an action research proposal for assessment;
- Critically evaluating the issues of ethics, writing, assessing and sustaining action research in practice.

Because this module is studied simultaneously alongside Research Methods in Education, it will enable students to understand the differences between methodological stance and choice of method approach, using Action Research as an example. This can then inform their choice of dissertation and their expected Research Methods in Education proposal submitted at the end of the second year.

Learning and Teaching Information:

Learning will include small group discussion and workshops, student presentations, seminars and independent study. Students will use an online forum on Moodle both to share emerging ideas for their growing understanding, and their planned proposal, and to receive both peer and tutor formative feedback on their ideas. Learning will be supported by module tutorials. Participants will also be expected to draw on their own professional experiences and personal contexts in order to contribute to, and lead, group activities.

Scheduled teaching and learning: seminars, workshops and tutorials
Hours: 64
Intended group size: 20

Guided independent study
Hours: 236

Further details relating to assessment
Complete a 6,000-word assessment which has two components:
(a) Produce a critically reflective account of action research in an educational context (50%)
(b) Write a report that critically evaluates a work-based policy/initiative (50%)

Other relevant matters
Students are entitled to one tutorial during the module if they wish to discuss material relating to the module and/or its assessment. They are, however, required to attend a formal review tutorial to agree the focus of their research for phase 3 of the programme, and to provide them with guidance over which module would be most appropriate to study in phase 3 given their emerging research plan.


001 Presentation; 3,000 word; end of semester 1 50%
002 Essay; 3,000 word; end of semester 1 50%

Fact File

Module Coordinator - Edward Podesta
Level - 7
Credit Value - 30
Pre-Requisites - SED7123 OR SED7133
Semester(s) Offered - 7PGS1