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SED7053 - Module 2: SENCo as Leader


On successful completion of the module, students will be able to:
Demonstrate the professional knowledge and understanding needed to practice as a leader of SEND within their role, such as SENCo, linked to the national outcomes of the NASENCo award.
Demonstrate the professional skills, expertise and capabilities needed to be a leader of SEND within their role, such as SENCo, linked to the national outcomes of the NASENCo award linked to leading and developing provision.
Examine and respond to research findings, including their own, developed from a setting and evidenced based practice in SEND and linked to your own developing leadership skills.
Examine and demonstrate aspects of leadership and personal and professional qualities in working in a SEND role and respond with appropriate improvements and action-planning to make a positive impact on the outcomes, provision, working methods, ethos and culture in a setting.


This module will examine the foundations of SENCo leadership in a setting such as a school, considering the professional knowledge, understanding, skills, expertise and capabilities needed to practice in the SENCo role. The content will be underpinned by the National Outcomes of the NASENCo award linked to SENCo leadership.

This may include the characteristics of team leadership, supporting and leading change in schools, working with other professional's, using data for school self-improvement, leading and developing provision, and managing and developing staff, including leading on professional learning in a setting.

The module will provide a framework for individual evaluation of professional practice, including leadership and action planning for professional learning.

Learning and Teaching Information:

Learning will be focussed on fostering critical reflective practice linked to the role of a SENCo. Activities will include lectures, small group discussion workshops, student presentations, seminars and independent study. Students will use Moodle to support learning and to share emerging ideas. Learning will be supported by module tutorials.

Participants will be expected to draw on their own professional experiences and personal contexts in order to contribute to, and lead, group activities.

A significant amount of learning will take place in the work-based setting of the SENCo and therefore the work produced for assessment will be linked to the work-based practice of this role.

Seminars, workshops
Hours: 20
Intended group size: 20

Hours: 30
Intended group size: 20

Guided independent study
Hours: 250

Further details relating to assessment
Assessment is through a portfolio of work-based evidence which can be negotiated tasks. The Module Tutor will ensure that the agreed assignment will address the module and programme learning outcomes and is directly related to professional practice. As such, students will evidence professional practices, and evaluate and reflect upon them within the assignment. It provides opportunities for participants to reflect upon, critique, and investigate research, policy and practice as it impacts on their professional context of a SENCo.

The portfolio will be made up of a 'patchwork' of tasks which are completed between taught sessions. This may include:

- Analysis of data linked to SEND;
- Presentation to Governors on the SEND action plan;
- Whole school audit of SEND practice;
- Reflection of Multi-agency working in a setting;
- Leading on an enquiry linked to developing teaching and learning;
- CPD developments;
- Development of a project to improve a key performance indicator in a setting;
- A coaching or mentoring journal linked to developing inclusive practice;
- Production of artefacts linked to the role and work of a SENCo in a setting.

Other relevant matters
The content of this module is shaped by the National Standards for Special Educational Needs Coordination (NASEN).


Fact File

Module Coordinator - Bev Peartree
Level - 7
Credit Value - 30
Pre-Requisites - NONE
Semester(s) Offered - 7PGS1S7PGS1S7PGS27PGS2