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SED7033 - Triangulating Theory and Practice


On successful completion of the module, students will be able to:
Discuss the work of major educational theorists, and conceptual developments in educational thought, and articulate their relation to specific elements of existing practice in education.
Synthesise knowledge and critical understanding of the work of educational theorists or groups of theorists in order to evaluate their applicability to current issues or problems in educational contexts.
Appraise the part played by theory in the methodologies and conclusions of relevant research, in order to provide a rationale for use/application in individual educational settings.


This module is designed to help educators understand the theories that drive calls for action and prescriptions of best practice in a complex and fast-changing professional context. It will introduce students to a small range of important thinkers that have had, or currently exert influence, on educational thought and practice. It will also use case study examples of the way that lines between academic theory and educational practice can be crossed and re-crossed by professionals. Finally, the module is designed to build critical confidence in reading and triangulating theory and practice for members of a profession often called to think and react quickly to situations or policy changes.

Learning and Teaching Information:

Students will learn through a mix of approaches. These include lead lectures from experts in the field; some guest speakers may be used to deliver lead lectures in specific areas. These lectures will then be linked with seminars / workshops to facilitate discussion and activities to share ideas, engage in activities and thereby promote learning. A dialogic approach in the seminars will allow for significant group discussion and feedback sessions. This will enable students to share ideas with colleagues from other sectors/backgrounds or specialisms. The module will make use of Moodle for fostering peer learning.

Schedules teaching and learning: seminars, workshops and tutorials
Hours: 30
Intended Group Size: 20

Hours: 2
Intended Group Size: 1

Guided independent study
Hours: 268


001 Written study; 6;000 words; end of term 2 100%

Fact File

Module Coordinator - Charlotte Wright
Level - 7
Credit Value - 30
Pre-Requisites - NONE
Semester(s) Offered - 7PGYL