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SEA5022 - Working with Others


On successful completion of the module, students will be able to:
Express an understanding of the roles and responsibilities of key personnel within school and within the team around the child/ young person in schools and in the community.
Critically evaluate key policy and research related to the impact of strategies for the welfare, support and education of children/ young people.
Examine the role of the family in the education of children and young people and the potential barriers to learning from family circumstances.


In this module students will be exploring the roles of personnel within school and how they work with professionals and families from the wider community. Students will examine policies and practice in this area over the last few years and the impact of government initiatives such as Sure Start, Every Child Matters and recent Green Papers and Bills. Students will critically evaluate the impact of barriers to learning including children and young people's individual needs and results such as Not in Employment, Education or Training (NEET) figures.

Learning and Teaching Information:

Sessions will use a range of learning and teaching methods including peer tutoring, student presentations, tutor - led demonstrations, individual and paired working.

During the course of each session there will be tutor/student interaction to meet individual needs and help develop skills, confidence, competence, knowledge and understanding relating to the aims and objectives.

On-going self evaluation will be part of the students' identification of needs.

Course documentation, support materials and web based materials will be available on the VLE.

Scheduled Learning and Teaching Activities
Contact hours: 40 (20 hours joint, 20 hours context specific)
Intended Group size: Cohort

Guided independent study
Hours: 160


001 Presentation; 10 minutes (Mid-Module - Yr 2 Term 1) 30%
002 Essay; 3,000 words (End-of-Module - Yr 2 Term 1) 70%

Fact File

Module Coordinator - Andrew Pearce
Level - 5
Credit Value - 20
Pre-Requisites - NONE
Semester(s) Offered - 5T1A2