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PSY7086 - Msc Thesis (Journal Format)



Learning and Teaching Information:

Students will work independently for much of the time, with four workshop sessions throughout the year to provide support and guidance in the form of an Induction session, an ethics workshop, analysis, and writing-up. Otherwise, individually-allocated supervisors will be available during office hours to give guidance in the initial design process, ethical procedures, data collection, and later, in the analysis and interpretation of the data and preparation of the report. As many MSc Psychology (Conversion) studies will not have completed a full empirical project before, a total of ten hours of supervisor meetings is suggested as an average. Some designs may require more support, and some less.

Hours: 4
Intended Group size: Cohort

Supervisor meetings/tutorials
Hours: 10
Intended Group size: 1

Guided independent study
Hours: 586

Further details relating to assessment
Ethical approval of the research must be obtained by a specified date as a condition for submission of the written report. Students must make a formal written application for ethical approval – to be granted by a specified deadline and must comply with any further deadlines for the submission of additional information as required by the Departmental Ethics Committee. Failure to secure ethical approval by a final deadline and, in any case, prior to commencing data collection will render the student ineligible to submit the written report, resulting in failure of the module.

Other relevant matters
In order to ensure all students meet Objective 3 (“Craft an original research design by way of confident application of suitable research methodologies and having regard for appropriate ethical procedures”), it is a requirement that students actively participate in the practical component of the module - specifically the design of studies that successfully pass departmental ethics. By completing and signing the ethics form, students undertake to conduct research ethically and professionally, and this includes the safeguarding of data. Consequently, students who have not participated in practical work and who have not, as a result, been a signatory to an ethics form that has received ethical approval will not be eligible to submit the assignment. Students in this situation will still be required to gain ethical approval, being permitted to then submit the assessment as a second attempt (resit period)

If student work is of sufficient standard, it is suggested that the student consider submitting their journal article to a suitable student journal, for example, the Journal of European Psychology Students (JEPS).


001 Thesis; 6,000 words; end of semester 100%

Fact File

Module Coordinator - James Jackson
Level - 7
Credit Value - 60
Pre-Requisites - NONE
Semester(s) Offered - 7PGS1S7PGS2