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PSY6522 - The Psychology of Reproductive and Sexual Health


On successful completion of the module, students will be able to:
Demonstrate an understanding of the important role of psychology in healthy reproductive and sexual health behaviours
Present and critique evidence of psychosocial factors that influence reproductive and sexual health behaviours
Critically evaluate the important role of psychology in promoting healthy reproductive and sexual health behaviours
Present and critique evidence to support the design of psychological interventions to change reproductive and sexual health behaviours


This module will explore the topic of reproductive and sexual health and understand why psychology is important in promoting healthy reproductive and sexual health behaviours. Each week will see a different reproductive and sexual health topic explored in terms of why psychology is important, what behaviours could be changed, which psychosocial factors are influential and how psychologists could intervene to encourage behaviour change and healthy reproductive and sexual health. Example topics include: menopause, sexually transmitted infections, teenage pregnancy and one-year postnatal. Public Health England's reproductive and sexual health data will be used throughout the module to demonstrate the real world need to research this topic. Students will take ownership of this module and take part in weekly presentations, which end with them leading a class discussion.

Learning and Teaching Information:

The module will start with an interactive lecture introducing the role of psychology in reproductive and sexual health (week 1). Following this, each week (weeks 2-10) will see a different reproductive and sexual health topic explored in terms of why psychology is important, what behaviours could be changed, which psychosocial factors are influential and how psychologists could intervene to encourage behaviour change and healthy reproductive and sexual health. These nine sessions will be split into three parts: 1. Interactive lecture led by the lecturer. 2. Student-led presentation and discussion. 3. Summary and questions led by the lecturer.

Interactive lectures
Contact Hours: 30
Intended Group Size: Cohort

Guided independent study
Hours: 170

Further details relating to assessment
In groups, week one will see students randomly assigned to one of the teaching weeks (between 2-9) and an associated reproductive and sexual health topic. They will prepare and present a 15 minute summary of that topic in a PowerPoint presentation and will prepare two discussion questions and facilitate a discussion for around 5 minutes.

Students will choose one of the topics covered on this module (must be different to the one in which their presentation was on) and summarise the topic in two ways:

1. In no-more than 1,000 words write a summary covering; why psychology is important, what behaviours could be changed, which psychosocial factors are influential and how psychologists could intervene to encourage behaviour change and healthy reproductive and sexual health. They must use evidence to support this and write in full sentences.

2. Write a Tweet of no more than 140 characters to support their summary.


001 Presentation; 20mins; mid-semester 2 50%
002 Report & tweet; 1,000 word report & 140 character tweet; end of semester 2 50%

Fact File

Module Coordinator - Candice Whitaker
Level - 6
Credit Value - 20
Pre-Requisites - NONE
Semester(s) Offered - 6S2