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PSY4053 - Principles of Sport Psychology


Assessment tasks are designed to enable students to demonstrate the Learning and Employability outcomes for the relevant level of study. Level Learning Outcomes are embedded in the assessment task(s) at that level. This enables a more integrated view of overall student performance at each level.


This module focuses on key conceptual and historical issues in sport psychology, including how sport psychology practice is underpinned by corresponding theory and empirical research, encouraging students to apply their developing knowledge and understanding to ‘real-world’ scenarios. Core theories of sport psychology will be covered within the modular content (i.e. theories of motivation, confidence, anxiety etc.), alongside some of corresponding interventions and strategies that a sport psychologist might utilize when working with an athlete/athletes in an applied capacity (i.e. imagery, goal-setting, self-talk etc.). Successful completion of this module will provide students with a foundational knowledge of core sport psychology topics that they can then in turn look to apply in relation to different athletic groups (the primary focus of the Level 5 sport psychology module) and within differing organizational context (the primary focus of the Level 6 sport psychology module).

Learning and Teaching Information:

Hours: 24 x 2-hour sessions (12 sessions per semester)
Intended Group Size: Up to 100

Additional programme-specific workshops
Hours: 2 x 1-hour sessions (1 session at the end of each semester)
Intended Group Size: Up to 30

Integrated Assessment Workshops
Hours: 10
Intended Group Size: Cohort

Guided independent study
Hours: 240

Further details relating to assessment
Formative assessment tasks will feature on a weekly basis to help monitor and facilitate each group’s progress towards their respective submissions for the two Negotiated Assessment tasks. Indicative tasks will include unpacking the scenario information that they have chosen for their assessment and considering the merits of different assessment formats.

The integrated case study assessment will then be introduced upon completion of the second negotiated assessment to allow students sufficient time to work on their individual case studies and to plan how to effectively incorporate content from multiple modules in a cohesive manner.

Peer-assessment will also be utilised within the two group Negotiated Assessment tasks. For each assessment a categorical mark will initially be awarded to a group assessment by the tutor. This mark may then be adjusted (to a non-categorical individual mark) if a given student is deemed to have contributed more or less than the group average by the peer group.


001 Negotiated Assessment (Problem 1), 3000 words, Mid Sem 1 30%
002 Negotiated Assessment (Problem 2), 3000 words, Mid Sem 2 30%
003 Case study, 3000 Words, IA Period. 40%

Fact File

Module Coordinator - Chris Rowley
Level - 4
Credit Value - 30
Pre-Requisites - NONE
Semester(s) Offered - 4YL