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PED7323 - Supporting Individual Needs


On successful completion of the module, participants will be able to:
Critically examine and reflect on their own professional practice in relation to a specific learning need faced by pupils in a school context.
Identify and synthesise research, scholarship, and other evidence, and precis key theoretical and policy frameworks related to the chosen learning need.
Critically evaluate and apply research findings and other evidence to inform their practice in relation to planning for, and meeting pupils’ learning needs.
Judge the impact of their research for working with pupils with specific learning needs and justify implications for their own future professional development.


Inclusion is high on education policy agenda. Inclusive education is based on the belief that all members of society have the right to participate in and have access to education on an equal basis. Inclusion is a fundamental right for all learners - not just those who are deemed 'vulnerable' or those with 'special education needs'. Students demonstrate through critical analysis an understanding of inclusion from such perspectives as EAL learning, socio-economic deprivation and gender inequality. This module will develop students’ thinking around this theme and even challenge their values and enable them to create effective inclusive classrooms that are both culturally and individually responsive to enable all children to succeed.

Learning and Teaching Information:

Tutor input will be through a combination of lectures and workshops. Lectures will introduce key themes early in the programme, which will be built upon and extended through Level 6 Professional Studies content. Workshops will focus on topics within inclusion to show the range of themes within this area and identify possible topics of focus for the assignment.

Directed readings of relevant academic articles will be provided to promote reading skills and be used to assist critical understandings at Level 7. Small face-to-face tutorials and Panopto presentations with specific guidance for writing at Level 7 and the assessment will also be provided. A high level of engagement in self-study is expected from students at Level 7.

Smaller group sessions and individual drop in sessions will be timetabled at points across the term for additional support.

Hours: 18
Intended group size: Cohort

Workshops and Seminars
Hours: 18
Intended group size: 20-30

Support Sessions
Hours: 18
Intended group size: 1-10

Guided independent study
Hours: 252

Further details relating to assessment
Assessment is through a reflective practice assignment. It will address the module and programme learning outcomes and is directly related to professional practice. As such, students will evidence professional practices within the supporting evidence and evaluate and reflect upon them within the assignment. It provides opportunities for participants to reflect upon, critique, and investigate research, policy and practice as it impacts on their professional practice.

Other relevant matters
The nature of this assignment requires participants, as part of their normal QTS work, to work with individual pupils and/or groups of pupils. However, participants are working within strict written guidance provided by the Programme Coordinator to ensure that ethical permission is not required to enable participants to complete this assignment.


001 Essay & evidence; 4,000 word essay & 2,000 word evidence; end of module 100%

Fact File

Module Coordinator - Jonathan Doherty
Level - 7
Credit Value - 30
Pre-Requisites - NONE
Semester(s) Offered - 7PGS1