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PED4012 - Introduction to the Teaching Profession


On successful completion of the module, students will be able to:
Understand key theories and principles related to child development;
Understand progression of children's development across EYFS and primary phases;
Understand and reflect on key documentation related to the teaching profession, including curriculum documentation and professional standards;
Reflect on personal and professional progression in regard transition to higher education and the teaching profession.


Students will reflect on the professional attributes of a teacher and their own academic and assessment expectations, allowing them to make links between theory and practice. Students will be guided in managing their time effectively using guided independent study time and taking responsibility for their professional and academic progress.

Support for reflection will also be provided by taught sessions exploring and evaluating professional practice issues - the content of these will include:

- Principles of teaching: planning, learning and assessment;
- Child development;
- Teachers' professional attributes and conduct.

Students will be expected to reflect on the content of these sessions in terms of how they relate to their understanding and performance in other modules on the programme and to their experiences in school, including school-based training.

Learning and Teaching Information:

Development tutors and module teams will support students by seeking additional experiences they may need in school and/or directing them to key texts that support further study and setting targets with the trainee for their continued professional learning.

Use of tutorial groups to consider the links between the different objectives from the taught course, time management skills, progress towards targets set and their developing knowledge, understanding and skills.

Lectures illustrating professional practices will form part of the provision for this module, providing context for students' reflections and actions and for the setting of directed tasks.

Hours: 20
Intended Group size: Cohort

Hours: 20
Intended Group size: 40

Guided independent study
Hours: 160

Further details relating to assessment
The assignment will be a literature review style essay related to one aspect of the module content. It will provide an early opportunity for students to be guided in, and receive feedback on, the expectations of academic writing at degree-level.

There will be opportunity for peer feedback in preparation for the poster presentation.

Other relevant matters
This module will introduce students to the overall Teachers' Standards (DfE, 2012) with a particular focus on the following:

1. Set high expectations which inspire, motivate and challenge pupils
8. Fulfil wider professional responsibilities
2. Promote good progress and outcomes by pupils
Part Two: Personal and professional conduct


001 Essay; 2,000 words; mid-semester 1 50%
002 Presentation; 2,000 word equiv.; end of semester 1 50%

Fact File

Module Coordinator - Zoe Proctor
Level - 4
Credit Value - 20
Pre-Requisites - NONE
Semester(s) Offered - 4S1Q4S1Q4S1Q4S1Q4S1Q4S1Q4S1Q