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MFC6462 - Television Production Portfolio


On successful completion of the module, students will be able to:
Demonstrate the ability to plan a project through from initial creative idea to evaluation of the final product
Demonstrate the ability to work individually and as part of a team
Learn the importance of time management and forward planning


During this module students will undertake individual or group productions of a taster tape for a television network. After initially focusing on research and development and generating the original idea, they will pitch it to their tutor / commissioning editor. Once that is resolved, they will complete pre-production stages, which will include developing a proposal, identifying potential programme subjects / interviewees and locations, and carrying out investigations (or “recces”) and risk assessments. They will then proceed through the production and post-production phases to complete their final product. For individual productions the taster tape should be 4-minutes in length. For group productions the taster tape should be 6-minutes in length and the groups should consist of no more than 3 students.

Learning and Teaching Information:

This module will include several interactive workshops, before students work under individual / group supervision. Regular production meetings will be offered, giving individual advice as to the practical development of the artefact, including issues such as copyright and clearances.

Hours: 4
Intended Group Size: cohort

Hours: 3 Intended Group Size: small group or individual

Guided Independent Study
Hours: 193

Further details relating to assessment
This module will be assessed primarily on the quality of a film made by students that specifically targets a television network. They will have to demonstrate their ability, not only to make a strong, attractive, accurate film, but to also have worked to the channel’s specification.

Assessment 1 will be an individual or group taster tape for a TV network of their choice. For group productions, all programmes will carry a group mark, but tutors will be able to reduce this by up to 10% for any students who have clearly not made a substantial contribution, based on peer evaluation. The details of this will be made clear in the module handbook.

Taster Tape Duration:
o 4-minute taster for individual productions
o 6-minute taster tape for group productions (with no more than 3 students in a group).
Assessment 2 is an individual 1,500-word critical reflection which enables the student to reflect on the work they produced.

Students will be required to; Upload their films to Panopto and provide a portfolio of programme paperwork via Leeds Trinity University’s OneDrive, including a programme proposal, and typical production documentation, such as call-sheets, risk assessments, release forms and compliance sheets.


001 Practical production - taster tape; end of semester 1 65%
002 Reflective report; 1,500 words; end of semester 1 35%

Fact File

Module Coordinator - Ms Lindsay Eastwood
Level - 6
Credit Value - 20
Pre-Requisites - NONE
Semester(s) Offered - 6S1