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MFC6404 - Advanced Short Film Production


On successful completion of the module, students will be able to:
Write, produce and present a 10' (min) short drama film;
Produce the film to reflect professional standards;
Demonstrate skills in presenting the pitch, filming and editing the project;
Critically evaluate the process and the finished project.


In this module students have an opportunity to employ the knowledge and technical skills obtained so far through previous modules, especially MFC 5042 (the stated pre-requisite), to produce substantial artefacts for their career portfolio.

The aim is to produce a 10' short film to a professional standard. The film may take any form/genre/style but it must not be a documentary (there is other provision for this at Level 6).

This module builds on previous experience and the practice of single camera film production, including: briefs, treatments, scripts and storyboards; logistics of location recording; camera crew roles; single camera techniques; editing. This leads to a period of small-group production work, culminating in a presentation of completed films to the whole group and members of an invited audience, followed by critical peer appraisal in preparation for the submission of reports.

Students will identify a specific role: writer, producer, director, camera/cinematographer, sound recordist, etc and the written element of the assignment will focus on their chosen role within the production process. In addition, students will be instructed to supply a critical analysis of the finished film, peer/audience assessment data and recommendations for further skills development. Students will also 'pitch' their film project to tutors and invited industry personnel, prior to commencing production.

Additionally, it is envisaged that supplementary production personnel will be recruited from the Level 5 Script to Screen cohort and Level 4, should the need/opportunity arise. This will offer Level 4 & 5 students the opportunity to hone their skills and develop as part of a professionally constituted production team, enhancing their technical and logistical abilities, which will, in turn, feed back into their work on MFC 5042 and other production work.

Learning and Teaching Information:

This module involves a number of set lecture/workshop sessions and a high level of independent study/work, which will be supported by the module coordinator and module tutors. Regular progress meetings will be scheduled throughout the course of the module.

Lectures/tutorials/workshops will be based on refreshing students 'existing knowledge with regard to the fundamentals of script-writing, camera work, lighting and editing/post-production; these sessions will also include more advanced techniques, including various editing techniques/styles and the use of visual effects.

The Module is to be delivered as a year-long module. This will give students necessary time to develop, draft and write a concise 10 minute short film script whilst adhering to common professional conventions; identify and cast actors; find and secure locations and also identify additional production where necessary. Sufficient time is also necessary for students to research and practice key production concepts; camera techniques with the specialist production cameras; technical processes; professional practise and procedures. Delivery involves weekly seminars and production meetings.

Lectures, tutorials and workshops
Hours: 40
Intended Group Size: 30

Hours: 12
Intended Group Size: 2 x 15

Guided independent study
Hours: 348

Further details relating to assessment
The Portfolio for assessment is to be delivered at the end of Semester 2 and will consist of:

1) A group portfolio containing all necessary pre-production paper work (Final script; Treatment and Drafts; mood board; Character Breakdown; First draft Storyboard; Final Storyboard; Location reports; Health and Safety Reports; Permissions and Waivers). This body of work will be a collection of the necessary textual and logistical materials necessary for Broadcast ready Film & TV production.

2) A Peer Assessment of the production process,

3) An Evaluative report of their development and the production process.

This will accompany the 10 minute film (filmed/edited/Colour Graded/Audio Mixed/Motion Graphics).

Students permitted to take a half-module for the award of 20 credits in Semester 1 will be assessed on a 1 x 2000 word portfolio and a 1 x 5 minute pre-visualisation (animated storyboard) of the Final Script (2000 word equivalent).

Students permitted to take a half-module for the award of 20 credits in semester 2 will be assessed on their production role in the group film (much of the pre-production work having been done in Sem 1) and also the portfolio.


001 Short film; 10mins; end of semester 2 75%
002 Report & portfolio; 2,000 words; end of semester 2 25%

Fact File

Module Coordinator - Ricardo Barker
Level - 6
Credit Value - 40
Semester(s) Offered - 6YL