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MFC6242 - Negotiated Media Project


On successful completion of the module, students will be able to:
Negotiate a field of study, work or process and appropriate forms of assessment to be approved by tutors
Demonstrate in-depth knowledge and understanding of their chosen topic
Produce work for assessment which reflects engagement with relevant literature, current practice, ethical issues and broader subject context
Demonstrate the academic, technical and professional skills necessary to successfully produce work agreed for the assessment.


The Negotiated Media Project Module provides flexibility for students to pursue particular areas of interest and produce assessment work in an appropriate format to reflect broad engagement and understanding with their chosen field of study.

The module will allow students to pursue a specialist area outside of the normal module choice, although subject relevant, or allow them to negotiate assessment which links to other areas of study. For example, students who are producing film artefacts in other modules could use the Negotiated Media Project Module to research, outline and produce a PR campaign for the film.

It is required that the student be able to provide an evidenced proposal to support their concept. The module coordinator must approve the original concept before the student proceeds. This proposal will form part of the Learning Agreement between student and tutor.

The negotiation process with tutors will ensure that students can be fully supported in their chosen area and, where they are linking work to other modules, also ensure that there is a sufficient level of autonomy between the modules.

Learning and Teaching Information:

This module is mainly supported through one-to-one supervision, amounting to six hours per student throughout the year.

This module involves a high level of independent study/work supported by individual tutorials and online support.

Where there are a number of students selecting this module, group seminars may be used to share practice, ideas and approaches as part of the six hours of contact time.

Hours: 4
Intended Group Size: 50

One-to-one supervision / seminars
Hours: 6
Intended Group Size: 1 / group

Guided independent study
Hours: 190

Further details relating to assessment
The term ‘Presentation’ to be taken broadly (it could mean a stand-up ‘show and tell’ but could also include video/audio/graphic presentations.

Completion pack to include a reflective piece presented in any appropriate format (this could be written, video, audio or other) as well as relevant compliance paperwork.

All forms of assessment are linked to a single project.

The specific content and form of all three assessments and the marking criteria by which they will be judged will be negotiated with and agreed by the tutor.

Students permitted to take a half-module for 10 credits (5 ECTS) will be assessed on the basis of assignment(s) negotiated with and agreed by the tutor.

Other relevant matters
Students will be required to support their learning with independent reading and research.


001 Presentation; 1,000 words, end of semester 1 25%
002 Negotiated assessment; 3,000 words; end of semester 2 75%

Fact File

Module Coordinator - ALLY THORNTON
Level - 6
Credit Value - 20
Pre-Requisites - NONE
Semester(s) Offered - 6YL