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MFC6202 - Contemporary Cult Television


On successful completion of the module, students will be able to:
Demonstrate an advanced knowledge and understanding of contemporary cult television and its definition in relation to quality UK & American drama productions (to include reference to producers, texts and module defined contexts and audiences).
Demonstrate advanced research, theoretical, critical and analytical skills through the production of an essay-based case study project.


This module will examine contemporary "cult" television in the form of "quality" drama productions produced in the UK and USA but marketed, distributed and screened globally. It will address industrial, technical and aesthetic issues relating to "quality" production values (production context); cultural, political and societal issues in relation to the "contemporary" nature of textual content (cultural/historical context); and critical and theoretical issues in relation to 'scholarly' definitions of cult television drama, narrative, storytelling and in terms of cult television audiences and fandom and the reception/interactive use of cult TV texts in a "post-television" convergence age.

Learning and Teaching Information:

The module will be delivered by lectures, seminars and screenings. Students develop their own research projects drawing upon the material provided.

Contact hours: 12
Intended Group Size: 30

Contact hours: 12
Intended Group Size: 2 x 15

Contact hours: 12
Intended Group Size: 30

Guided Independent Study
Hours: 164

Further Details relating to assessment
This module cannot be taken as a half-module


001 Essay; 4,000 words; end of semester 1 100%

Fact File

Module Coordinator - David Dodd
Level - 6
Credit Value - 20
Pre-Requisites - NONE
Semester(s) Offered - 6S1