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MFC6015 - Cult Fandom


Assessment tasks are designed to enable students to demonstrate the Learning and Employability outcomes for the relevant level of study. Level Learning Outcomes are embedded in the assessment task(s) at that level. This enables a more integrated view of overall student performance at each level.


This module will examine contemporary ”cult” Media texts in the form of “quality” film and television drama productions produced in the UK, USA and Europe but marketed, distributed and screened globally. It will address industrial, technical and aesthetic issues relating to “quality” production values (production context); cultural, political and societal issues in relation to the “contemporary” nature of textual content (cultural/historical context); and critical and theoretical issues in relation to ‘scholarly’ definitions of cult film, television drama, narrative, storytelling and in terms of cult audiences and fandom and the reception/interactive use of cult film and TV texts in a “post-television” convergence age.

Learning and Teaching Information:

Hours: 20
Intended Group Size: 30

Hours: 10
Intended Group Size: 30

Guided independent study
Hours: 120

Further details relating to assessment
Assignment 1 is a 3,000-word case study that allows students to focus on a specific cult Media text. The assessment explores three areas; character and narrative development, the production process and fan activity.

Supporting materials are encouraged in the form of appendices.

Early Assessment: there will be a formative assessment within the first 4 weeks and this will help unpack the assignment details for the 1st assignment as well as guide and inform student preparation and help introduce the University grading


Fact File

Module Coordinator - PRS_CODE=
Level - 6
Credit Value - 15
Pre-Requisites - NONE
Semester(s) Offered -