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MFC6014 - Media Production Portfolio


On successful completion of the module, students will be able to:
Produce, research and justify a detailed design report for a media artefact
Implement the design sufficiently to show 'proof of concept'
Critically evaluate the process and the finished artefact


In this module students have the opportunity to employ the knowledge and technical skills obtained through previous module(s) to produce something substantial for their career portfolio.
The artefact may take a range of forms - a short audio-visual piece, a photography exhibition/book, a web site or some other media artefact. It is intended that the term 'artefact' be interpreted broadly.
Each student will propose and negotiate an appropriate concept for the project. The module coordinator must approve the original concept before the student proceeds to construct the design report, which must be completed before the end of the first semester.
Once the design is agreed the student will go on to produce the artefact. It is expected that the student be able to provide an initial evidenced proposal to support their concept
After production has completed students will be expected to independently evaluate their work from a variety of primary sources.
Group work is permitted only for very substantial projects.

Learning and Teaching Information:

The scheme below assumes recruitment of 30.
This module involves a high level of independent study/work supported by individual tutorials.
After the design report submission there will be a 'feedback' week where directed instruction and guidance can be focused on individual projects.
Students will be given a named specialist support tutor for technical support and queries.

Contact hours: 6
Intended group size: Cohort

Contact hours: 5
Intended group size: Individual

Independent Guided Study
Hours: 389
Intended group size: Individual
Further details relating to assessment
All forms of assessment are linked to a single project.
In the case of group projects the Design Report must include an outline of the agreed roles of the individual group members (a) undertaken in the course of research and design and (b) to be undertaken in the course of production.
The design report will normally be submitted before the end of semester. This will allow the student greater access to equipment and their tutor, as well as allowing the tutor to give early specific feedback.
Students must complete and submit all forms of assessment to be eligible to pass the module.
Not available as a half-module.

Other relevant matters
eg. details of where the module will be available to students on other programmes not detailed in the Learning Outcomes section above
In the event of Resit, the student will negotiate with the module co-ordinator to agree an appropriate production project and resolve issues of access to equipment.


001 Design report; 2,000 words; during semester 1 20%
002 Artefact; end of semester 2 60%
003 Evaluate report; 2,000 words; end of semester 2 20%

Fact File

Module Coordinator - Elric Williams
Level - 6
Credit Value - 40
Pre-Requisites - NONE
Semester(s) Offered - 6YL