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MFC6002 - Contemporary Photography


On successful completion of the module, students will be able to:
Critically appraise contemporary developments in photographic practice.
Explain the relation of cultural and social contexts to creative practice (including assessing their impact on the students' own practice).
Analyse and apply critical concepts relevant to photography purposefully and accurately.
Reflect upon appropriate strategies for the clear and persuasive communication of critical insights in written and oral formats.


This module introduces and maps a range of issues in contemporary photography, builds on work undertaken so far in the Photography programme and gives the students the opportunity to further develop their own aesthetic, stylistic and cultural photographic approach.

A programme of lectures, seminars and case studies will introduce students to contemporary photographic topics and forms. Students will be encouraged to develop a critically reflective approach and engage in current, cutting edge debates concerning issues that may include: documentary photography, image manipulation, gender and racial representation, advertising, experimental photography, street photography, remix, contemporary practices, etc.

The course is designed to encourage students to reflect on fundamental aspects of the photographic medium, on the relationship between digital technologies and artistic practice and on different ways of understanding photographic meaning.

Learning and Teaching Information:

The learning and teaching methods for this module comprise interactive lectures. Photography theories, research methods and photography styles are introduced and students assess their validity and impact at the same time through the use of case studies (published photography and photographers).

Essay writing, research and oral presentation skills will be addressed during taught sessions.

Interactive lectures
Hours: 30
Intended Group Size: 40

Guided independent study
Hours: 170

Further details relating to assessment
Group Presentation: The topic has to be decided in advance with the module tutor. The presentation will be evaluated by a panel of experts in the area.

Report: this will be a reflective analysis on one or more of the topics analysed in class.


001 Group Presentation; 10 mins or equivalent; end of semester 1 50%
002 Report; 2000 words or equivalent; end of semester 2 50%

Fact File

Module Coordinator - Katrin Joost
Level - 6
Credit Value - 20
Pre-Requisites - NONE
Semester(s) Offered - 6YL