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MFC4644 - Negotiated Learning: Projects in the Workplace


On successful completion of the module, students will be able to:
Demonstrate the ability to identify and use a range of sources of knowledge and evidence relating to projects in the workplace.
Demonstrate an awareness of ethical principles and the application of professional codes relevant to projects in the workplace.
Analyse the information and ideas about the practice of projects in the workplace that are developed through the module.
Demonstrate reflection upon the conduct and outcomes of the module, in relation to projects in the workplace, in their own work and professional context.
Make a selection of approaches to projects in the workplace and explain how these are appropriate to their own work and the modules aims and objectives.
Select appropriate content, medium and style that is intended for a professional and /or academic communication. Evidence a range of sources of information and demonstrate origins of ideas by referencing sources using a consistent style.
Analyse how the module has been planned and managed.


The overall aim of the module is to help students develop an awareness of the stages and processes of completing a small-scale Work-based project. The module covers the following introductory elements: what work-based projects are and the different forms they can take; what types and sources of data can be ethically used; how to design, plan and complete a small-scale work-based project, and how to share its outcome(s) with different stakeholders. Students draw up specific aims and objectives for this module in their 'Learning Agreement', reflecting the individuality of each project and the students' aspirations, professional work and context.

Learning and Teaching Information:

The module will typically be delivered on LTU campus and/or approved partner premises with significant distance (online) teaching and learning elements.
Workshops and seminars
Hours: 24
Intended Group Size: 25

Flexibly delivered e-engagement (e.g. VLE activities, webinars, assessment support and guidance, teaching and learning support/e-support including individual tutorials)
Hours: 16

Guided independent study
Hours: 360

Further details relating to assessment
The assessment method is in keeping with those used in the Work-Based Learning Framework (WBLF) and standard University ethics procedures will be followed.

In line with the WBLF the assignments may be presented as a combination of oral and written work OR the use of workplace artefacts developed to meet work need but evidencing the learning outcomes and subject coverage may be utilised alongside a critical commentary/reflective account of learning.

Formative feedback will be offered throughout workshop activities and on a draft version of the project proposal.


Fact File

Module Coordinator - PRS_CODE=
Level - 4
Credit Value - 40
Pre-Requisites - NONE
Semester(s) Offered - 4AP4AP