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MBE7002 - Leadership and Professional Development


On successful completion of the module, students will be able to:
Critically review a range of leadership models, theories and concepts and evaluate their effectiveness.
Demonstrate awareness of their leadership development needs and formulate a plan to address these.
Analyse drivers of change that impact on individuals and their organisation.
Examine and discuss the impetus for new ways of working across infrastructure, processes, people and culture and sustainability in own organisation.


This module introduces students to a consideration of learning theory to inform personal self-directed development, including the ability to critically reflect on personal experiences and articulate the learning from these experiences. The main practical focus is on individual reflection of personal leadership potential, drawing on a range of exercises to evaluate students’ own styles and approaches, leadership journey and development needs.

Based on a professional development model, students will develop their own leadership style and be able to justify its theoretical base, as well as show how their ongoing professional development can continually enhance their skills. Students will then be expected to showcase their expertise in online networks, whereby they contribute to debates and discussions and develop their online persona which has integrity with their professional life.

The theoretical part of the module will focus on the critical overview of traditional approaches to leadership, such as trait, situational and process theories, as well as wide-ranging consideration of new approaches, which conceptualise leadership as separate from authority and management, such as Connective Leadership, Shared/Distributed Leadership, Servant Leadership, VUCA and Narrative Leadership. Building on the range of nationalities present in the cohort, there will be frequent opportunities to explore cultural differences in leadership approach. A critical analysis of ethical and values based leadership and principles of corporate social responsibility which underpins organisational strategy will be expected.

Learning and Teaching Information:

The sessions will be organised in 3 8-hour teaching blocks. Lectures will deliver core theoretical frameworks, followed by workshops and personal exercises for reflection and development. Tutorials will be designed to support learners to be self-directed in additional research and with particular emphasis on research within their own employing organisation.

Lectures / seminars
Hours: 24
Intended Group Size: Cohort

Workshops / tutorials
Hours: 16
Intended Group Size: Cohort or variable-size groups

Guided independent study
Hours: 160

Further details relating to assessment
As a core module for SLMDA, MBA and MA International Business programmes this module is designed for those either working for a sponsoring employer or for self-employed learners able to put learning into practice or for students looking for management careers. As such, the assessments will need to demonstrate understanding and application of theories and self-reflective analyses to current and/or future working practice.

MBA / MA International Business important notes:
The assessment will aim to reflect on a leadership role and a Portfolio may involve the following elements:

1. Theoretical justification of personal leadership approach with awareness of situation and context (for example, sensitive to various corporate or international contexts) and addressing ethical/CSR considerations.
2. Leadership Development Review – a self-critical appraisal of areas for development
3. Online Professional Profile - a live and networked virtual profile that showcases the student’s approach to leadership. This would typically be in the form of a Linkedin profile but could be a webpage.

SLMDA programme important notes:

1. The assessment method will be negotiated between the learner and the tutor to align with a Learning Agreement with the employer and meet the learning outcomes for the module. The outputs from this module may be similar to those referred to above and will provide direction to the remainder of the programme, with an emphasis on leadership.
2. End-point Assessment (EPA) for the Apprenticeship will require learners to demonstrate that they have the necessary Knowledge, Skills and Behaviours described in the Apprenticeship Standard. Learners will develop a holistic approach to meeting Senior Leader Apprenticeship Standards through mapping evidence produced for the porfolio for each module and selecting the best evidence to showcase in their final EPA portfolio.


001 Portfolio/artfecat(s) & commentary; 4,000 word equiv (incl. 2,000 word commentary); end of term 100%

Fact File

Module Coordinator - Leon Consearo
Level - 7
Credit Value - 20
Pre-Requisites - NONE
Semester(s) Offered - 7T1