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MBA7104 - Management Consultancy Project 2


On successful completion of the module, students will be able to:
Critically situate the project proposal in relation to existing academic and industry-based literature and other relevant sources.
Select, justify and action an appropriate methodology and theoretical/investigative framework for data collection and analysis and presentation, as well as manage ethics issues.
Demonstrate a capacity for self-management and independent learning in the investigative process, engagement with academic and industry literature, management consultancy project design, planning and management, as well as managing client relations.
Produce a clear, logical and coherent presentation and project report based on the research undertaken, following specified requirements of the client and University.


The module is focused on the following aspects of real-life business/management issues investigation, including problem definition - business/management context/issue; client/stakeholder relations, ability to identify their needs and collaboratively agree project brief (as part of MCP1 module) are crucial in refining the scope of a research project with specific research aims and objectives.

Students will be conducting a preliminary literature review, leading to justification of the novelty/originality of the management consultancy project, identification of theoretical investigative and analytical frameworks, as well as following appropriate reference practice in writing the project brief, report and presentation. Students will also delve into methodology: selecting and justifying appropriate academically grounded research method and design; following code of research conduct and ethics; adequate data collection method, sampling and further analysis frameworks. The module will also focus on brief writing and presentation: following the agreed format and academic conventions, presenting all the above information.

It is anticipated that the management consultancy project will also build students' in-depth knowledge and understanding in one of five core subject areas (K1-5: External Environment, People and Organisations, Key Functional Specialism, Customer Orientation and Strategy) depending on the area of their interest.

Learning and Teaching Information:

The module is designed to support self-directed learning through enquiry and research. Students will be allocated a project supervisor to offer more specialist help in conducting the investigation for the generic MBA in a variety of Management Consultancy areas - Marketing, Management, Operations, Business, Finance and other areas, verifying the primary (recommended)/secondary research methods adopted and offering guidance on data analysis and presentation. The module encourages deep learning through the critical analysis of relevant literature and the investigative research process required for the module.

The second part of the Management Consultancy Project (MCP 2) module will allow to action the principles of social science research and key business, management and marketing research methodologies. This module will allow the delivery of the research project for an external organisation, collecting and analysing data, producing recommendations for a client and presenting findings in the form of a written report.

Individual tutorials with supervisors
Hours: 15

Independent study
Hours: 385

Further details relating to assessment
Project report: the project report will broadly follow the convention of a written report (including academic reflections and referencing); students will be expected to negotiate the exact format with their supervisor (for example Business Reports, Finance/Audit Reports, Product/Service Development Plans, Marketing Plans/Campaigns, etc.).

Students are required to abide by the Leeds Trinity University Code of Research Conduct and Ethics to affirm that appropriate ethical safeguards are in place prior to undertaking the research. Ethical clearance for the research will have been sought during formulation of the research brief portfolio, as part of MBA7102 MCP1 module.

Other relevant matters
As a result of University responsibility for ensuring that research conducted by its staff and research students abides by accepted standards of conduct and ethics, this aspect is integrated within the content of this course and students need to seek ethical clearance of their project. The process is coordinated by a module leader. The process follows key principles of the University Code of Research Conduct and Ethics, available on the intranet.


Fact File

Module Coordinator - Professor Denis Kobzev
Level - 7
Credit Value - 40
Pre-Requisites - NONE
Semester(s) Offered - 7T1S7T3