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JOU6942 - Specialist Magazine Writing


On successful completion of the module, students will be able to:
Demonstrate a systematic understanding of the range and types of magazines produced in the UK and circulation figures and trends
Demonstrate a systematic understanding of how style and content relates to a target market/readership
Demonstrate the ability to generate ideas
Demonstrate the ability to develop and research ideas
Produce articles suitable for a target readership


This module examines the range of online and print magazines that are produced in the UK and will provide students with the skills to produce articles suitable for a stated readership. The module will build on previously acquired knowledge and skills with students who will be encouraged to produce multi-platform material relating to their main features using their online and broadcast skills. Students will also be required to try to get their work published and explore writing as a professional freelance journalist.

Learning and Teaching Information:

This module is taught via a series of interactive workshops which use innovative and creative teaching methods in order to foster student engagement and develop practical skills. The focus is on student-centred practice, using a broad range of simulated and live news exercises which allow the cohort to use their practical skills in safe environment where they benefit from tutor feedback and mentoring on an on-going basis.

Workshops, semester 1
Contact hours: 20
Intended Group size: 20

Tutorials, semester 2
Contact hours: 10
Intended Group size: Individual or group

Guided independent study
Hours: 170

Further details relating to assessment
The proposal will comprise ideas, angles, the outline of articles, relevant sources, source contact details and an evaluation of sources. The proposal will reflect a range of specialist magazines. The articles must be for specified publications. The portfolio should demonstrate a variety of writing.
The portfolio should normally contain a number articles (minimum of 3, maximum of 6) totalling 4,000 words.
The articles must have a minium word count of 200 words and a maximum word count of 1,500 words.


001 Proposal; 1,000 words; end of semester 1 20%
002 Portfolio; 5,000 word equivalent; end of semester 2 80%

Fact File

Module Coordinator - Amy Lund
Level - 6
Credit Value - 20
Pre-Requisites - NONE
Semester(s) Offered - 6YL