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JOU6002 - Advanced Radio Production


On successful completion of the module, students will be able to:
Demonstrate a systematic understanding of the regulatory environment within which radio broadcasters operate;
Devise, plan and produce a radio package for a specified audience;
Devise, plan and produce as a team a radio sequence programme in which each team member makes a clearly defined contribution;
Critically evaluate the process and the finished product.


The module builds on previous production experience and takes this experience to a new level by providing opportunities for students to develop further general and specialised production skills. This focuses the crucial roles of creativity and narrative in the radio production. The module will train students in radio package production and live radio presentation skills. The module will conclude with a live programme on BCB Radio, in which the students will take the lead in both production and presenting. This will be part of their assessment, along with creating a radio package.

Learning and Teaching Information:

This module is taught via a series of interactive workshops and is assessed by live production.

Hours: 36
Intended Group Size: 24

Guided independent study
Hours: 164

Further details relating to assessment

Assessment 1: Radio Package: The package should be in a style suitable for broadcast on a BBC Local Radio Breakfast Show and must use inserts taken from at least two interviews. Any linking script must be written and voiced by the student. Music/ archive/ readings and sound effects may be used where appropriate. Copyright (PRS) details must be included with the cue when using any commercially-recorded music.

Assessment 1 Report: The report should focus on the experience, including details of the planning, research and recording processes, the difficulties encountered and how they were overcome, changes made as a result of choice or expediency, and a critique of the finished product. Assessment of the report will be based on your ability to reflect on the production process, in particular the decisions, techniques, and skills involved from a professional standpoint. A critique of the final product is a chance to decide how well you achieved your objective, offering an assessment of how effective you think the product is, with reasons for this judgement.

Assessment 2: BCB programme contribution: Group work in the production of a sequence programme for live broadcast on BCB Radio 106.6FM. The programme is likely to include, but is not limited to: a news bulletin and headlines, sports news, weather, packages, two ways, a vox pop and interviews (live in person, on the telephone / ISDN and pre-recorded). The programme will be presented live on the date specified and will be recorded for assessment purposes. Packages produced for Assignment 1 may NOT be reused in these programmes.

Assessment 2 Report: a 400-word reflective account evaluating the group production experience, covering the process of preparing the production, what was learned both about the production process and also about working in a group, an assessment of the individual contribution, and a critique of the finished product. Assessment will be based on the ability to reflect on the production process; not only the decisions, techniques and skills involved from a professional standpoint but also the 'people' aspect.


001 Radio package & report; mid-semester 2 70%
002 BCB news bulletin & report; end of semester 2 30%

Fact File

Module Coordinator - PRS_CODE=
Level - 6
Credit Value - 20
Pre-Requisites - JOU5052 OR JOU5102 OR MFC5052
Semester(s) Offered - 6S2