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ENG6632 - Language, Person, Society 3


On successful completion of the module, students will be able to:
Use a range of theoretical concepts for the discussion of language in relation to power, gender and identity.
Use methods of discourse analysis to produce critical close readings of a range of texts in different forms.
Collect relevant data for a case study and critical evaluation of a particular discourse (eg a TV broadcast, advertising campaign, social media practice).
Identify and use appropriate sources to inform their analysis of language in public discourse.


In this module, students will continue their study of language in society with a focus on the public discourses that shape our social identity and our identity as political and economic subjects (e.g. social media, government communications, advertising, journalism, broadcasting).

Learning and Teaching Information:

The main form of teaching session will be the seminar, where concepts and skills will be introduced by the lecturer and learned through practical application - specific tasks, problem-solving, discussion and collaborative close reading of texts, with regular provision of formative feedback on those activities.There will be two two-hour seminars each week over two periods of three weeks with an interval for the first assessment. Additional resources and support for guided independent study will be provided via Moodle and through availability of weekly staff drop-in times for advice, clarification, discussion of assignment plans, etc.

Hours: 24
Intended Group Size: 15

Guided independent study
Hours: 176


001 Essay 1; 1,500 words; mid-semester 2 40%
002 Essay 2; 2,500 words; end of semester 2 60%

Fact File

Module Coordinator - ROD HERMESTON
Level - 6
Credit Value - 20
Pre-Requisites - NONE
Semester(s) Offered - 6S2