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CYP6132 - From Martinet to Mentor? Change and Continuity in the Roles of Educators


On successful completion of the module, students will be able to:
Appraise patterns of continuity and change in the role of the teacher and in other student support roles;
Compare and contrast the similarities and differences regarding the variety of roles for contemporary educators;
Distinguish between different models of professionalism and pedagogy;
Critically explain changes to educators' identities within school and society.


The module uses both academic texts and films as historiography in examining the portrayal of autonomous and isolated teachers in films within the context of changes in the teaching profession and in relation to society. The module adopts an initial British and post war twentieth century focus. Issues include interpretations of teachers' professionalism, teachers' changing roles, the changing nature of teachers' authority and the impact of societal change upon schooling.

The module then examines the impact of twentieth century trends in laying the foundation for a greater diversity of classroom educator identities: teaching assistant, mentor, learning support, peer support, parent. New professional roles and societal perspectives have raised the profile of teamwork for classroom educators.

The module examines similarities and differences across classroom educator roles and explains these through reference to education and society.

Learning and Teaching Information:

The module will be taught using a mixture of lectures, seminars, workshops and tutorials. Some teaching will be student led. Students could be expected to prepare for the sessions by reading set texts and completion of tasks set in class or via the VLE and will be expected to take part in a wide range of learning activities.

Students may be required to prepare and present a brief presentation as the basis for discussion.

Lectures, seminars and workshops
Hours: 27
Intended group size: Cohort

On-line support and small group tutorials
Hours: 1 (min)
Intended Group size: 6-10

Guided independent study
Hours: 172


001 Essay 1 x 4000 words Semester 2 100%

Fact File

Module Coordinator - Paul Coman
Level - 6
Credit Value - 20
Pre-Requisites - NONE
Semester(s) Offered - 6S2