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CYP5202 - Person-Centred Care and Integrated Working


On successful completion of the module, students will be able to:
Relate the care of individuals within the community to relevant legislation and policy.
Apply a range of theoretical approaches to individualised, person-centred care.
Explain the relationship between relevant legislation, theory and effective care.
Appraise the contribution of an integrated approach to positive health outcomes.


Using relevant theory and legislation this module requires students to apply appropriate care interventions for effective individualised, person-centred care. The module necessitates a consideration of both the individual and their family's perception of relevant health and social care needs. The importance of an integrated approach is recognised for the administration of holistic care and the facilitation of positive health outcomes.

Learning and Teaching Information:

This module will be taught using a mixture of lectures, seminars, workshops, tutorials and online learning, some of which will be student led. Teaching and learning will be research informed and responsive to the needs of students. Students will have access to preparatory material such as set texts and there will be additional reading information on the VLE. Students will be expected to take part in a range of learning activities including participation in small group discussions and feeding back themes of small group work to the wider group.

Hours: 30
Intended Group Size: Cohort

On-line support and small group tutorials
Hours: 1
Intended Group Size: 6-10

Guided independent study
Hours: 169

Further details relating to assessment
The poster presentation will provide opportunity for students to express their understanding of holistic and individualised approaches to care.
The essay provides opportunity for students to express their understanding of integrated care making links to relevant theory.


001 Poster presentation; 2,000 word equivalent; mid-semester 1 40%
002 Essay; 2,000 words; end of semester 1 60%

Fact File

Module Coordinator - Sharon Edwards
Level - 5
Credit Value - 20
Pre-Requisites - NONE
Semester(s) Offered - 5S2