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CYP5142 - Diversity and Inclusion: Education for all


On successful completion of the module, students will be able to:
Analyse a range of views related to inclusion, integration and segregation in relation to cultural, social, disability and behavioural issues;
Examine the impact of different settings and practices in relation to eliminating barriers to participation and learning;
Review a range of case studies related to inclusion issues.


In this module, students are expected to engage with key issues related to inclusion and those with whom they are learning in a variety of settings. Key themes include:
- Difference of faith, culture, religion and ethnicity;
- Socio-economic issues relating to health and poverty;
- Impact of discrimination and labelling on children, adults, society and education.

Learning and Teaching Information:

This module will be taught using a mixture of lectures, seminars, workshops and tutorials, some of which will be student-led. Students could be expected to prepare for the sessions by reading set texts and completion of tasks set in class or via the VLE and will be expected to take part in a wide range of learning activities.
Students may be required to prepare and present brief presentations as the basis for discussion in seminars or workshops. Formative assessment strategies will be incorporated into taught sessions and will include opportunities for both peer and self-assessment.

Lectures, seminars and workshops
Hours: 30
Intended Group size: Cohort

On-line support and small group tutorials
Hours: 1 (min)
Intended Group size: 6-10

Guided independent study
Hours: 169

Further details relating to assessment
Further advice and guidance for the assessment will be included in the Module Handbook and presented to students within the taught modules.


001 Report; 4,000 words; end of semester 1 100%

Fact File

Module Coordinator - Icarbord Tshabangu
Level - 5
Credit Value - 20
Pre-Requisites - NONE
Semester(s) Offered - 5S1