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CYP3003 - Introduction to Children and Families


On successful completion of the module, students will be able to:
Document some of the ways that family background can influence children's social and emotional development and life experiences.
Outline key milestones in children and young people's physical development and how families and professionals can support progress
Outline policy and practice in relation to children and families in the UK
Outline and explain how social inclusion and effective safeguarding can be promoted by practitioners.


This module focuses upon the insights that academics from a range of disciplines have provided into children, young people and families. It offers an introduction to some of the issues and perspectives in this area. Key concepts will be explored such as development, milestones, socialisation in childhood and youth.. Family diversity, impact and the reasons for this will be considered. The influence that poverty can have on children's development and life chances will be explore. How multi-agency working has attempted to support and protect children, young people and families will be also reviewed. Social inclusion and early intervention will also be examined as part of these discussions.

Learning and Teaching Information:

The module will utilise student-centred learning and promote student confidence. Debates and critical reflection will be employed to stimulate student interest. Students will work in groups to develop their understanding of trends and academic theories. Students will undertake problem-solving learning and be involved in formative peer assessment of each other work. Students will also be encouraged to take part in on-line discussion groups. On-line quizzes and resources will be drawn upon to support students' learning. To help students achieve their potential there will also be an emphasise learning as a collaborative process. Students will be encouraged to shape their own learning and to be reflective.

Contact Hours: 60
Intended Group Size: Cohort

Guided independent study
Hours: 240

Further details relating to assessment
The Report /Guidance will focus upon all aspects of children's development and influencing factors.

Group presentations will explore current policy and practice in terms of support, inclusion and safeguarding in the UK.


001 Report; 2,000 words; end of semester 1 %
002 Presentation; 10mins; end of semester 2 %

Fact File

Module Coordinator - Amanda Jefferson
Level - 0
Credit Value - 30
Pre-Requisites - NONE
Semester(s) Offered - 3YL