CRS4011A - CCRS - Old Testament


On successful completion of the module, students will be able to:
- Be familiar with the books and types of literature which make up the Old Testament and be able to set them in their context.
- Be able to make connections between a particular type of literature and the belief the words express.
- Recognise the diversity of images of God in the Old Testament.
- Appreciate the significance of the covenant relationship for the people of Israel.
- Understand the relevance of the Old Testament and its use in the Catholic community today.
- Be able to communicate what they have learned from an adult stance.


- How the Church looks at the Old Testament today, particularly in the light of Vatican II and the Catechism of the Catholic Church.
- Introduction to the formation of the Hebrew Scriptures in terms of the historical, geographical, cultural, political, and religious background.
- Study of types of literature contained in Scripture (e.g. myth, epic, history, prophetic writings, liturgy).
- Study of selected texts which focus on the Covenant, the centrality of the Exodus experience and the formative effects of the Exile.

Learning and Teaching Information:

The purpose of this module is to introduce participants to the writings in the Old Testament in order to help them to recognise God's revelation contained there and its continuing relevance in Christian life today.


Fact File

Module Coordinator - Jenny Stuart-Collins
Level - U
Credit Value -
Pre-Requisites - NONE
Semester(s) Offered - S1