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COM3013 - Principles of Web Development


On successful completion of the module, students will be able to:
Demonstrate a basic understanding of the principles of back-end Web coding and testing.
Use Web-coding languages, such as HTML, and tools, to design, code, and test a Website with simple functionality, such as data-capture.
Reflect on relevant issues, such as cyber-security and malicious code.
Demonstrate the ability to reflect upon an on-going project and to be agile in responding to required alterations or changes.


In this module, students code for a website, using a web-development languages, such as HTML or JavaScript, and specific open-source software tools, such as CCS. The focus is on back-end development and the main kinds of website functionality, such as file download, social media integration, sign-up, and data-capture. Testing processes and relevant issues, such as the use of open-source code and cyber security will also be covered.

Learning and Teaching Information:

Students are introduced to the fundamentals of back-end web design through a series of workshops that cover HTML coding and coding support tools, such as Brackets. Students will practice developing simple websites and the main design aspects are taught in stages, each functional element being supported by support on design, problem-solving and coding, and student-led demonstrations or code walk-throughs. These sessions prepare students for an assessment in which they receive and respond to a project design brief for a website with specific functionality requirements.

Contact Hours: 60
Intended Group Size: 30

Guided independent study
Hours: 240

Further details relating to assessment
Artefact: the general specifications of the website that is to be constructed, including the requirements for its functionality and design, will be supplied through a brief. The mark attributed reflects the nature and quality of the coding and functionality of the webpage.

Negotiated assessment: this assessment accompanies the artefact, explaining the process through which it was designed and constructed. The assessment may take the form of a code walk-through, student demo, or description of problem-solving. The presentation should reflect on lessons learned, strengths and weaknesses, and potential for project development.


001 Web page; end of semester 2 %
002 Negotiated assessment; 2,000 word equiv.; end of semester 2 %

Fact File

Module Coordinator - Aliyu Lawal Aliyu
Level - 0
Credit Value - 30
Pre-Requisites - NONE
Semester(s) Offered - 3YL