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BSC6006 - Work Based Project - Supply Chain Professional


On successful completion of the module, students will be able to:
Demonstrate the ability to identify, evaluate and make appropriate use of a wide range of sources of knowledge and evidence.
Demonstrate an in depth understanding of ethical principles and a systematic understanding and coherent application of professional codes relevant to the WBL project.
Analyse, synthesise and evaluate the information and ideas developed through the WB project.
Demonstrate critical reflection upon the design, conduct and outcomes of the WB project.
Make a reasoned selection of approaches to the research methodology, data collection techniques and data analysis and explain how these are appropriate to the aims and objectives of the WB research project.
Select appropriate content, medium and style that is clear, concise and appropriate for a range of professional and /or academic communication.
Evidence a substantial range of sources of information and demonstrate origins of ideas with precision by referencing sources using a consistent style.
Analyse and evaluate how the WB project has been planned and managed.


Work-based projects are unique in their content because their rationale, aims and objectives are drawn up by student apprentice as part of the 'Learning Agreement', produced in the Planning Personal and Professional Development module; this agreement plans their whole programme and is agreed and signed by their employer.

Work-based projects are located in the student apprentice's workplace, and relate directly to their job role and work activities. The content and scope of the projects are also subject to an official 'project proposal' which is the assessment for the Planning Practitioner Research module at Level 4 and the subsequent Learning Review modules at Levels 5 and 6.

Apprentices studying for the BSc (Hons.) Professional Practice in Supply Chain Leadership will undertake this particular project in order to complete their degree, their apprenticeship and fulfil all of the requirements of the degree apprenticeship standard's assessment plan.

Learning and Teaching Information:

Typically delivered on a blended learning basis with a combination of workshops and on-line support

Hours: 12
Intended Group Size: 20

Hours: 12

Guided independent study
Hours: 576

Further details relating to assessment
A Level 6 - 60 credit WB project is assessed by 12, 000 words, or equivalent

The assessment for this module is the End-Point Assessment of the integrated Supply Chain Professional Degree Apprenticeship and will be conducted under the rules described in the Apprenticeship Standard Assessment Plan.

Re-assessment: a different work-based project with report and presentation and /or live questioning session will be required for re-sit or re-take. Re-assessment of a particular component of assessment must take place within 9 months of the original assessment, otherwise re-assessment of all components of the module will be required.

The results of this module will determine the grade of the apprenticeship as shown in the table below. The table also shows how the apprenticeship grade will be converted into the University’s categorical marking scheme for the purposes of degree classification, which will be calculated in accordance with the University's Programme Regulations for Taught Undergraduate Degrees.

Work based project and Oral presentation(50%) Live questioning session (viva) (50%) Overall Apprenticeship grading LTU categorical marking scheme
Fail Fail Fail 10, 20, 25
Fail Pass Fail 32, 35, 38
Pass Fail Fail 32, 35, 38
Pass Pass Pass 42, 45, 48
Pass Merit Pass 48, 52, 55, 58
Merit Pass Pass 48, 52, 55, 58
Merit Merit Merit 62
Distinction Merit Merit 65
Merit Distinction Merit 68
Distinction Distinction Distinction 75, 85, 95, 100


Fact File

Module Coordinator - PRS_CODE=
Level - 6
Credit Value - 60
Semester(s) Offered - 6APS6AP6AP