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ACL7016 - Applied Work Based Research Project (AWBRP)


This module will address the following programme level outcomes:
K1 a detailed knowledge and systematic understanding of the current issues and/or new insights within the Criminal Justice System (CJS), informed by contemporary scholarly resources and evidence;
K2 a comprehensive understanding of the variety of techniques used in applied Social Science research, analysis and advanced scholarship, including quantitative and qualitative methods and systematic approaches;
K3 originality in the application of knowledge, together with a practical understanding of how established techniques of research and enquiry are used to promote rehabilitation and build effective transformative relationships;
K4 the ability to recognise the inherent variability and diversity of human functioning, including an understanding of international and cultural approaches to rehabilitation;
K5 a comprehensive knowledge of the CJS and an understanding of how to lead positive change successfully within the workplace in order to meet stakeholder needs;
I1 a conceptual understanding that enables critical evaluation of current research and advanced scholarship within the field of Criminal Justice;
I3 a conceptual understanding that enables evaluation of methodologies and development of critiques and, where appropriate, proposal of new hypotheses;
E1 Self-management – the ability to plan and manage time; readiness to accept responsibility and improve their own performance based on feedback/reflective learning; the ability to take initiative and be proactive, flexible and resilient;
E4 Problem-solving – a capacity for critical reasoning, analysis and synthesis; a capacity for applying knowledge in practice; an ability to retrieve, analyse and evaluate information from different sources;
E5 Communication – the ability to present information clearly and appropriately, both orally and in writing, and to tailor messages to specific audiences and purposes;
E7 Application of information technology – the ability to identify and use the appropriate IT package for a given task; familiarity with word-processing, spreadsheets and file management; the ability to use the internet and email effectively;
E9 Social, cultural & civic awareness – embracement of an ethos of community and civic responsibility; an appreciation of diversity and ethical issues; an understanding of cultures and customs in the wider community.


On completion of this module, participants will have the appropriate skills and capabilities to design and conduct an applied research project (this could be empirical, use existing data sources, a policy/service evaluation, literature review rapid evidence assessment, case study or a systematic review) that is of relevance to their workplace, using appropriate research methodology.

This module will integrate participants’ knowledge and understanding to create a research project that potentially generates new knowledge and/or develops our conception of the topic studied.

Participants will have sessions focusing on:
- Research design, aims and hypotheses,
- Reviewing and finalising the research plan,
- Ethical considerations,
- Methodology
- Analysing data gathered and;
- Presenting/writing up the results.

These will be supported by individual tutorial meetings to finalise their project proposals and discuss the delivery of the research project.

Learning and Teaching Information:

Returners Week Teaching (Lectures and Workshops)
Hours: 4
Intended Group Size: Typically sessions will be delivered to both the whole cohort and to smaller groups teaching

Individual meetings with supervisor
Hours: 10
Intended Group Size: 1

Supported Online Learning
Hours: 30
Intended Group Size: 1

Regional Teaching Days (to include a range of lectures, workshops and seminars)
Hours: 20
Intended Group Size: Approximately 40 participants at 3 regions (Manchester, Birmingham & London)

Guided independent study
Hours: 536

Further details relating to assessment
All participants wanting to conduct research with staff and/or prisoners in prison establishments, National Probation Service (NPS)/Community Rehabilitation Companies (CRC) regions or within Her Majesty’s Prison and Probation Services (HMPPS) Headquarters, are required to formally apply for research approval to the HMPPS National Research Committee (NRC), in addition to complying with the standard University ethics process. Ethical approval of the research must be obtained by a specified date as a condition for submission of the written report. Failure to secure ethical approval by a final deadline will render the student ineligible to undertake an empirical project.

During this module, participants will be encouraged to work in groups, where possible and applicable. A range of ideas will be presented to participants, highlighting key priorities for HMPPS.

Summative Assessment
Poster Presentation: Participants will have the opportunity to present their project idea in the form of a conference style poster. A full assessment brief and marking criteria will be provided to participants in the module handbook.

Written Report: This can either be (but is not limited to) a theoretical piece that examines and investigates a particular issue within the Criminal Justice System, or a piece of primary research, systematic review, literature review, rapid evidence assessments, case study, action research study, process evaluation or impact evaluations, either individually or as part of a group. The aim of this report is to apply learning from the whole of the MSc programme to enable participants to work in collaboration with their managers toidentify and address a current issue facing HMPPS and provide, where possible, an innovative and workable solution.

Formative Assessment
A range of formative assessments will take place during Returner’s Week, at Regional Lecture Days and online through the use of individual tasks, group activities and presentations to check the development of understanding using both staff and peer-to-peer feedback.


001 Poster Presentation; 1000 word equiv; mid semester 2 20%
002 Report; 6000 words; end semester 2 80%

Fact File

Module Coordinator - Danielle McDermott
Level - 7
Credit Value - 60
Pre-Requisites - NONE
Semester(s) Offered - 7PGS2