On successful completion of the module, students will be able to:
Understand varying methods of information retrieval from digital and social sources;
Contribute to online informational structures and streams that can be accessible from a range of media sources;
Create media for online distribution;
Explain and exemplify the role of narrative and voice in branded media;
Create a brand narrative specifically around brand personality and tone of voice.
This module introduces the practical skills and knowledge required to put media online, and an overview of the online platforms and applications needed to facilitate that process. Students create all forms of digital media including text, audio, video, pictures and infographics using blogging platforms, social networks, forums, podcasts, mobile apps and online communities.
Students shift role from consumer to producer through active online participation, curation and creation, and critically assess online research and online multimedia through the eyes of creator, platform, channel and audience.
This module also introduces online storytelling and the concepts of brand personality, tone of voice, and narrative, and further explores the need, processes and practice of storytelling. Using case studies from individuals, third sector, and both public and profit-making organisations, students examine and critique brand personalities and stories, and audience reaction to them.
In addition, the module explores how to curate the crowd-voice, and the ethics and copyright involved in re-using and re-producing those materials. The emphasis is on learning by doing - picking out the key voices, the key comments, the tipping points, and in so doing gaining an understanding of how to create a story for online delivery
Lectures and workshops will be utilised to inform and then create online informational structures. Workshops are expected to be both face-to-face and virtual.
Hours: 20
Intended group size: cohort
Hours: 20
Intended Group size: 24
Project Day (Live online)
Hours: 4
Intended Group size: cohort
Individual consultancy
Hours: 1
Intended Group size: 1
Guided independent study
Hours: 155
Intended Group size: 1
Further details relating to assessment
Directed activities: these consist of weekly tasks that must be completed and submitted for inspection at timetabled sessions each week. The assessment will be assessed on a pass/fail basis with a pass requiring at least 75% of all weekly tasks to be completed successfully. A pass will lead to the full award of 10% towards the final module mark. A fail in directed activities will contribute 0% to the final mark.
Blogposts: students will create a public blog around their own interests. The blog should have around 10 posts to demonstrate consistency, but some blogs may require posts that are fewer and longer.
Group Project: Students will take part in a range of small team activities for formative assessment, but will be assessed on only one project.
001 Directed activities; throughout semester 2 10%
002 Blogposts; 1000 words; mid semester 2 30%
003 Group project; end of semester 2 60%
Module Coordinator - Hatana El-jarn
Level - 4
Credit Value - 20
Pre-Requisites - NONE
Semester(s) Offered - 4S2